Monday, February 24, 2025

Salesians United in Prayer for Pope Francis

Salesians United in Prayer and Solidarity for Pope Francis

(ANS – Turin – February 23, 2025) – The Salesians gathered in Turin for the 29th General Chapter accompany with prayer and filial remembrance the Holy Father’s delicate health crisis, along with all believers and people of good will around the world.

The witness of faith and strength of Pope Francis in this situation is yet another reason to remain close to him in our affectionate and fervent prayers. May God grant our Holy Father both physical and spiritual health so that he may continue, according to God’s will, the ministry of Peter for the entire People of God.

This sentiment of ours is deep and heartfelt and is fully shared by all the communities of the Salesian Congregation worldwide. One heart and one soul in prayer for Pope Francis, as Don Bosco taught us.

Related: From the Eastern Front: Pope Francis and the Salesians

From the Eastern Front: What Jorge Bergoglio Learned from the Salesians

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