Salesian General Chapters 15-21
(ANS – Rome – February 12, 2025) – From 1938 to 1977: this is the time span embraced by the general chapters of the Salesian Congregation from the 15th to the 21st. During this long period of great geo-political, social, and ecclesial transformations, the Pious Salesian Society, like the whole Church, was called upon to change, not only out of necessity or fashion, but to continue to keep its charism alive and meaningful in the new contexts that had emerged.
World War II, with all the upheavals it
entailed and the new balances that were created at its end, with many countries
now in the hands of regimes openly hostile to the Church; the youth protests
and social transformations of the 1960s; the Second Vatican Council; etc. This
is the background against which the Salesians had to act in the period under
consideration. There were many challenges, therefore, for the Salesians, who
were regularly called, thru the general chapters, to discern how to direct the
Congregation’s path in that period.
GC15 was convened in 1938, after many superiors
and Salesians from all over the world had already come to Italy in 1934 for the
canonization of Don Bosco; it focused particularly on formation issues and,
considering the growth and development of the Congregation, saw an increase in general
councilors from 3 to 5.
The next chapter, planned in theory for
1944, could take place only in 1947 because of the World War II. The postwar
theater inevitably influenced the theme and the decisions to be made, to give
concrete answers to the young people left to themselves and out on the streets,
to those in need of everything, to the Salesians who had been isolated for a
long time.
Fr. Renato Ziggiotti was elected as the 5th
successor of Don Bosco at GC17, after the death of Fr. Ricaldone in November
1951. The chapter, which saw the chapter members return to the Valdocco site,
was held in the summer so that the school premises otherwise used for classes
could be used. From various Salesian provinces in Eastern Europe, only a few
exceptional delegates were able to attend, since the provincials and delegates
in charge were forbidden to participate by their respective regimes.
GC18, also held in the summer at Valdocco,
explored issues such as religious observance and the Salesian apostolate in its
traditional forms, but also the application of Pius XII’s apostolic constitution Sedes
Sapientiae on religious, clerical, and apostolic formation and the
veneration to be paid to Dominic Savio, now recognized as a saint (1954).
The 19th GC was important for many reasons:
it was the first to be held in Rome (at the new facilities of the Pontifical
Salesian Athenaeum), opening something that would mark the next eight chapters;
it was the longest held up to that time (51 days); it took place with the
Vatican Council still in progress; and taking its cue from the work of renewal,
it served to redefine the figure of the Salesian “as he must be.” Precisely
because of this impetus for change, it was also the first in which a new rector
major was elected with the previous one still living: Fr. Ziggiotti asked not
to be re-elected so that others could set out on the new path, and Fr. Luigi
Ricceri was chosen in his place.
The next chapter, the 20th, was the “extraordinary”
one, made necessary to assimilate the Council’s novelties in depth. It was the
longest ever (almost 7 months, straddling two years), it took place in Rome,
but in the new generalate on Via della Pisana, and led to the approval of the
new Constitutions, new Regulations, and new pastoral and operational doctrinal “orientations.”
Finally, the ordinary GC21 was the one that
saw the election of Fr. Egidio Viganò, who remained in office for almost three
terms. This chapter, celebrated on the centennial of GCI (1877), sought to
return to the Don Bosco of the origins, with the aim of becoming specialized evangelizers
of the young; living as authentic religious in mission; taking care of ongoing
formation. The jewel in the crown of this chapter was the launch of Project
Africa, vigorously promoted by the newly elected Fr. Viganò.
The following is a summary of these 7 Salesian
general chapters (1938-1977), indicating the original structure with details of
the president (rector major), moderator, members, place, duration, key themes,
and particular notes or significant developments.
15. GC XV (1938) - Salesian Formation
- Location: Rebaudengo (Turin)
- Duration: 15 days (June 23 - July 7)
- President: Fr. Peter Ricaldone
- Moderator: Fr. Renato Ziggiotti
- Members: 105 chapter members
- Themes: The formation of Salesian personnel
(houses for aspirants, novitiates, philosophical and theological
- Notes
and significant developments:
Increase in the number of superior councilors from 3 to 5.
16. GC XVI (1947) - Postwar Renewal
- Location: Valsalice
- Duration: 19 days (August 24 - September 11)
- President: Fr. Peter Ricaldone
- Moderator: Fr. Renato Ziggiotti
- Members: 110 chapter members (out of 112
- Themes: Adapt Salesian activities to the
needs of postwar reconstruction.
- Notes
and significant developments:
Adoption of SDB as the official acronym of the Congregation.
17. GC XVII (1952) - Vocations and Missions
- Place: Valdocco
- Duration: 15 days (July 31 - August 14)
- President: Fr. Renato Ziggiotti
- Moderator: Fr. Secondo Manione
- Members: 114 chapter members
- Themes: Development of vocational schools,
missions, and formation houses.
- Notes
and significant developments:
Election of Fr. Renato Ziggiotti as 5th successor of Don Bosco.
18. GC XVIII (1958) - Religious Discipline and Apostolate
- Place: Valdocco
- Duration: 14 days (July 27 - August 9)
- President: Fr. Renato Ziggiotti
- Moderator: Fr. Alvin Fedrigotti
- Members: 119 chapter members (out of 128
- Themes: Religious observance, application of
the Constitution Sedes Sapientiae, parishes, and oratories.
- Notes
and significant developments:
Reflection on the Salesian apostolate in parishes and schools.
19. GC XIX (1965) - Adaptation to the Second Vatican
- Place: Rome, P.A.S.
- Duration: 53 days (April 19 - June 10)
- President: Fr. Renato Ziggiotti (until his
resignation) and Fr. Luigi Ricceri
- Moderator: Fr. Archimedes Pianazzi
- Members: 151 chapter members, 19 experts, 8
- Themes: Renewal in line with the Vatican II
and reflection on the figure of the Salesian.
- Notes
and significant developments:
First GC celebrated in Rome; Fr. Ziggiotti resigned, and Fr. Ricceri was
elected rector major.
20. CGS XX (1971-72) - Special Chapter of Renewal
- Place: Pisana Generalate, Rome
- Duration: 210 days (June 10, 1971 - January 5,
- President: Fr. Luigi Ricceri
- Moderator: Fr. Gaetano Scrivo
- Members: 202 chapter members, 12 observers, 4
- Themes: Renewal of the Salesian Society
(nature, consecrated life, formation, governance structures).
- Notes
and significant developments:
Approval of the Constitutions ad experimentum; longest chapter
in the history of the Congregation.
21. GC XXI (1977-78) - Evangelization and Mission
- Location: Pisana
- Duration: 105 days (October 31, 1977 - February
12, 1978)
- President: Fr. Luigi Ricceri (until his
resignation) and Fr. Egidio Viganò
- Moderator: Fr. Raffaele Farina
- Members: 184 chapter members, 10 observers, 7
secretaries, 8 translators
- Themes: Evangelizing and witnessing to the
Gospel among the young.
- Notes
and significant developments:
Election of Fr. Egidio Viganò as rector major and launch of Project
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