Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Homily for Tuesday, Week 5 of Ordinary Time

Homily for Tuesday
Week 5 of Ordinary Time

Feb. 11, 2025
Gen 1: 20—2: 4
Christian Brothers, St. Joseph’s Residence, N.R.

The Earthly Paradise (Brueghel the Younger)

“God saw how good it was” (Gen 1: 21).

That’s a refrain thruout Gen 1, emphasizing the goodness of all that God has made and culminating in his creation of human beings in his own image (1:27).

Our response to God’s work is twofold.  1st, we appreciate his glorious creation and praise him for its beauty, its grandeur, its vast majesty.

2d, we acknowledge that God’s given us the earth, the air, the water, plants and animals for our use and our delight.  It’s a mark of respect for him, of worship even, that we care for, preserve, and use wisely what he’s made and entrusted to us.  I think Pope Francis, and Benedict before him, calls for every Christian to be an environmentalist—not a “tree hugger,” to be sure, but a good steward who recognizes that God’s lending his goods to us to share, preserve, hand on, and point always to himself.  How wonderful his name in all the earth! (cf. Ps 8:2).

See this reflection on creation, from America, 2/11/25.

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