Friday, February 14, 2025

Homily for Thursday, Week 5 of Ordinary Time

Homily for Thursday
Week 5 of Ordinary Time

Gen 2: 18-25
Mark 7: 24-30
Feb. 13, 2025
Christian Brothers, St. Joseph’s Residence, N.R.

Creation of Eve (George Frederic Watts 1873)
In today’s readings we might discern an equality among people.  The 2d creation story in Genesis, like the 1st, presents woman as man’s partner and equal.  In ch. 1, God makes humans in his own image, male and female, with shared dominion over the rest of creation (1:26-27).  In ch. 2, as we hear today, woman is created separately but of the very same substance as man and as “a suitable partner for him” (2:18).  In neither version of the story is there a hint of subordination or inferiority.  In our experience, don’t we often find women not equal but even superior to men in virtue:  in commitment, compassion, and moral strength?  May God always be praised for the wisdom of his creation, the power of his image in both men and women, and in the way we respect and love one another.

In the gospel, Jesus recognizes faith in a Gentile woman that’s at least equal to anything he’s found among his own people, including among his disciples.  We don’t know why he delayed in responding to this Syrophoenician woman and gave her, as it appears, a hard time.  Possibly it was all for show, aimed at the prejudices of his followers.  It’s faith that saves, not genetics—as Jesus had already taught when he claimed as his brothers and sisters anyone who does God’s will (Mark 3:31-35).

We are blessed, brothers and sisters, that God’s generosity and grace surpass our own.  “Blessed are those who fear the Lord” (Ps 128:1).

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