Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Tlaquepaque Board of Trustees Meets

Board of Trustees of the Theologate 
in Tlaquepaque Meets

(ANS – Tlaquepaque, Mexico – February 12, 2025)
- The board of trustees of the Salesian theologate at Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, Mexico, a formation center for Salesians aspiring to the priesthood, met on January 29. Fr. Hugo Orozco, general councilor for the Interamerica Region, presided. Provincials taking part were Frs. Dominic Tran, United States East and Canada, Filiberto Gonzalez, Guadalajara, Mexico, and Juan Aaron Cerezo, Mexico City. Formation delegates for the provinces included Fr. José Gallo (Bolivia), Bro. Travis Gunther (U.S. East), Fr. Felipe Carranza (Guadalajara), and Fr. Carlos Barbosa (Mexico City). Also present were provincial treasurers Fr. Jorge Mejía (Guadalajara) and Fr. Juan Carlos Romero (Mexico City). Fr. Morachel Bonhomme, superior of the Haitian Vice Province, and Fr. Jesus Baltazar, provincial treasurer of the Antilles, participated online. The theologate community was also present. During the meeting, the evaluation of the house’s project of life, the academic report of the Salesian Institute of Graduate Studies (ISS), and the various reports on the community’s progress were examined.

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