Facelift for the Provincial House
Besides province headquarters, i.e., the site of the provincial superior's office, over the years the house has served as the novitiate, the residence for part of the staff of Salesian High School, the school's cafeteria, the residence of various Salesians with province jobs, and their offices.
Rear of the provincial residence
In addition to the sturdy stone of the exterior, the house is graced with some fine woodwork. That, of course, is less durable than the stone. One might suppose that it's also vulnerable to the salt air associated with proximity to Long Island Sound. So every once in a while that wood requires quite a refurbishing. It was last done in preparation for the visit of Fr. Juan Vecchi, the SDB Rector Major (1996-2002), in 1998.
On May 6 we undertook the work anew: having all the exterior woodwork scraped down, repaired as needed, and repainted. Here are a couple of photos of the first day's work.