Homily for Thursday
4th Week of Lent
March 23, 2023
Ex 32: 7-14
Provincial House, New
In the 1st reading, God disowns his people. He tells Moses they’re “your people whom you brought out of Egypt.” He tempts Moses by offering to make him the father of a new chosen people.
Moses isn’t buying
it. He reminds God that Israel is
his people still, in spite of their sin, and it was he, not Moses, who
liberated them. Then he pleads for God
to have mercy. And God does.
In the collect, we invoked
that same divine mercy. We count on
it. We need it to take away our sins and
liberate us from whatever binds us to evil in our thoughts, words, actions, or
omissions. We know that.
Further, as priests and
religious we take on the role of Moses.
The psalm spoke of his stepping into the breach between God and Israel
to plead for them (106:23). We plead for
God’s mercy toward his people, for Christians, for everyone. We plead for God to have compassion on all
who suffer from strife and disasters, and to save all from their sins; to lead
us all safely to the promised land of the eternal paschal festivities (cf.
(Picture by W.C. Simmonds)