Thursday, July 25, 2024

Homily for the Feast of St. James the Greater

Homily for the Feast of
St. James the Greater

July 25, 2024
Matt 20: 20-28
Christian Brothers, St. Joseph’s Residence, N.R.

It’s a little curious that today’s Scriptures pass over the most glorious parts of St. James’ apostolic career.  We don’t hear how promptly he left his nets and his father to follow Jesus or how that following of Jesus led him to martyrdom (Acts 12:1-2).

Instead, we hear of his and his brother’s ambition and naiveté.  As Bp. Barron writes, they ask for power and honor.[1]  The other nite I watched how this scene is depicted in The Chosen.[2]  Jesus seems to be stunned and very disappointed, 1st in the brothers, then in the reaction of the others.  We know the end of the story, which may make us ready to judge them all harshly.

Like we’ve never sought power or honor for ourselves!  Bp. Barron concludes his take on the scene, “When you serve others, when you become the least, you are accessing the power of God and seeking the honor of God.”

That’s why Jesus called James and John, and why he calls us.  That’s why James finally gave his life for Christ and why we give him our lives.

[1] The Word on Fire Bible:  The Gospels (Park Ridge, Ill., 2020), p. 125.

[2] Season 4, episode 4

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