Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Don Bosco Volunteers Central Council Meets

Central Council of the Don Bosco Volunteers Meets

(ANS - Krakow, Poland – July 10, 2024)
- The central council of the Don Bosco Volunteers met in Krakow from July 3 to 14 for their summer session. They devoted an extended time to the animation work of the Institute. A whole day was dedicated to meeting with a large group of DBVs from Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. The joyful sharing, sisterhood, and communication of their experiences, with simplicity and spontaneity, strengthened the sense of belonging and the family spirit among them all.

The Don Bosco Volunteers are a female secular institute founded in 1917 by Blessed Philip Rinaldi. They number over 1,000 worldwide, including a small number in the U.S. and Canada. The Institute is one of the more than 30 groups that belong officially to the Salesian Family.

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