Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Diocesan Documents on Akash Bashir Presented in Rome

Diocesan Documents on the 
Servant of God Akash Bashir Presented in Rome

(ANS - Vatican City - July 29, 2024)
- On July 29, the diocesan investigation of the Servant of God Akash Bashir (June 22, 1994 - March 15, 2015), martyred Salesian alumnus, was presented at the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints. Present were Dr. Federico Favero of the Dicastery, Fr. Pierluigi Cameroni (at right in photo), postulator general of the Salesians, and Fr. Gabriel Cruz, vice postulator of the Bashir’s cause. The 4 bundles of transcripts and public copies were presented, two in Urdu and two in English. Then the seals were broken and the General Index reviewed to verify the articulation of the structural parts of the investigation, dwelling in particular on the work of the historical commission. With the documents’ opening, the proceedings can be divided and organized. They will then pass temporarily to the printery, which will collate and bind them in white, titling and numbering the volumes, according to the practice of the Dicastery. Thereafter, they will be made accessible to the competent office, which will study their legal validity: that is, the Dicastery will check that the fulfillments prescribed under the law have been carried out correctly and completely in the diocesan phase.

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