Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Salesians Assist Brazil's Flood Victims

Salesians Assist Brazil’s Flood Victims

(ANS – Porto Alegre, Brazil – May 13, 2024) 
– The southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul has been hit in recent days by extreme rains which have caused flooding, landslides, and the deaths of over a hundred people. Meanwhile, the number of injured and missing is growing and the number of municipalities involved is also increasing: 428, according to the State Civil Protection. Of these, 397 were recognized by the federal government as being in a state of public calamity. Faced with this situation, the Salesians of the Porto Alegre Province continue to support people affected by the floods.

In addition to putting pressure on authorities to adopt public policies that address climate change, times of crisis like this also require a lot of solidarity. In this sense, in fact, the SDB Province is sensitively addressing this situation through its network in Rio do Sul and other presences in southern Brazil, such as in the states of Paraná and Santa Catarina.

The Salesians have already mobilized to take concrete action in support of flood victims. This help came about thanks to the collaboration with the social works, schools, and parishes, with their collaborators and volunteers. The Salesian Family and numerous young people are also making their own contribution. Overall, a great solidarity movement is consolidating to bring help and comfort to those who have suffered serious damage and losses.

The collection of foodstuffs, basic necessities, and other economic aid, and a strong sponsorship of campaigns on behalf of the victims are just some of the solidarity commitments that the Salesians are supporting. The economic support is facilitated by the social fund of the Porto Alegre Province, which invites those who wish to “play their part in this collective effort of solidarity.”

“The Salesian presence in southern Brazil,” they write from the province, “reaffirms its

commitment to be by the side of those who need it most, inspiring others to join this noble cause.”

More information is available on the website: www.missaosalesiana.org.br 

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