Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Homily for Tuesday, Week 8 of Ordinary Time

Homily for Tuesday
Week 8 of Ordinary Time

May 28, 2024
1 Pet 1: 10-16
Year II
Christian Brothers, St. Joseph Residence, N.R.

“Set your hopes completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Pet 1: 13).

The Triumph of Christianity

After testifying to the work of the Holy Spirit in Israel’s past thru the teachings of the prophets, St. Peter places believers in Christ into the context of the Spirit’s work (1:11).  The Spirit has announced the Good News to them thru the apostles and evangelists of their time (1:12) to fill them with hope for final salvation when Jesus comes again.  This hope depends on a certain determination of their minds and on “sober” living (1:13), putting aside any unsuitable “desires” (1:14).  In Christ, God has called us to holiness of life (1:15) modeled (as far as we’re able) on the holiness of God himself (1:16).

Jesus Christ has already been revealed to us thru the prophetic and apostolic preaching.  Further grace lies ahead of us when Jesus completes what he’s begun in us, his work of salvation.  Jesus himself calls this “eternal life in the age to come” (Mark 10:30).  This is our firm hope, the basis for the sacrifices we make and for our daily living.

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