Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Homily for Wednesday, Week 24 of Ordinary Time

Homily for Wednesday
24th Week of Ordinary Time

Sept. 17, 2018
1 Cor 12: 31—13: 13
Salesian HS, New Rochelle, N.Y.

St. Paul, mosaic, San Vitale, Ravenna

In yesterday’s reading (1 Cor 12:12-14,27-31), St. Paul spoke about some important gifts that God gives to his Church, such as prophecy, good teaching, and good administration.  Today he comes to what he calls “a still more excellent way” (12:31).

This way is a way that all of us can serve God and our brothers and sisters regardless of whatever other gifts God has given us.  It’s the way of love.

Without love, Paul says, we’re nothing.  Knowing languages, being a good athlete, being good at math or writing or music, knowing how to organize events—means nothing if we don’t bring love to whatever we do or say.

Paul’s practical:  “Love is patient.  Love is kind.  Love isn’t jealous.  Love doesn’t put on a show.  It isn’t rude or selfish” (13:4-5).  Love is happy with truth and with goodness wherever it finds them.

Can we try, then, to be loving, to be Christ-like in what we do and say with our schoolmates, our siblings, our parents, and our friends?  to be patient, kind, respectful, helpful, happy when they’re successful, compassionate when they’re hurting?

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