Monday, August 26, 2024

54th Pilgrimage of Faith to Chimpay

54th Pilgrimage of Faith to Chimpay

138th anniversary of the birth of Blessed Ceferino Namuncurá

(ANS – Chimpay, Argentina – August 26, 2024) 
– Between Friday, Aug. 23, and Monday, Aug. 26, the 54th Pilgrimage of Faith in memory of the young Mapuche saint was held in Chimpay, the town in the province of Río Negro where Ceferino Namuncurá was born 138 years ago. The pilgrimage theme this year was “Ceferino, attentive gaze, sensitive heart, supportive hands.”

The greatest Pilgrimage of the Faith in Patagonia began on Friday with the arrival of the faithful on horseback who, after travelling hundreds of miles, arrived at the hermitage of the Ceferino Park to bring their offerings, their greetings, and their prayers before the traditional image that is venerated all year round.

Religious, cultural, and recreational activities continued on Saturday, with the arrival of pilgrims by bicycle, on horseback, in campers, and on foot, from various locations in Patagonia, such as Gastre, Gan Gan, Telsen, Trelew, Gobernador Costa, Viedma, Villa Regina, Cipolletti, Neuquén, Zapala, and some from Buenos Aires.

As the day continued, there were also celebrations and baptisms, and pilgrims continued to arrive. Hundreds came to greet the Blessed, touching the wooden sculpture and his poncho. At dusk, a prayer was held by the fire, led by the Mapuche tribal community. Saturday ended with a hymn to the earth by the young people from the Chimpay sports center.

On Sunday activities began with the first rays of the sun on the hill of the Fifth Centennial Cross (on National Road 22), with Mapuche prayer and supplication. At 9:00 a.m., the multitude of people began the pilgrimage to Ceferiniano Park, where they arrived after a 2-hour walk. At 11 o’clock, the Mass began on an altar prepared outdoors.

The celebration was presided over by Bp. Alejandro Benna of Alto Valle del Rio Negro, and concelebrated by the bishop of Viedma, Bp. Esteban Laxague, SDB, and San Carlos de Bariloche’s Bishop Juan Carlos Ares, and by priests from different parts of the region and the country. Among the concelebrants there were Fr. Darío Perera, South Argentina provincial, Fr. Osvaldo Braccia, vice provincial, and several other Salesians.

During the homily, Bp. Benna stressed: “Once again Ceferino calls us, and with his example invites us to live the present moment well. We have come to renew our faith.... How much faith on this road! I saw many who came on horseback or by bicycle, or on foot from afar. These days I have blessed many people. And one of them said to me, ‘I’ve been coming to greet Ceferino for 50 years.’ What beautiful faith I see in children that is passed on from grandparents to parents and from parents to children. That grace that God gave to all of us on the day of our Baptism!”

Although the main activities took place last weekend, on August 26, the day on which we celebrate the birth and the liturgical memorial of Blessed Ceferino Namuncurá, Masses were held throughout the day, and those present shared a lunch and a symbolic cutting of the cake.

The certainty that remains after this pilgrimage is that this manifestation was, once again, a true demonstration that, if one prays with faith, God works in people’s lives.


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