Thursday, June 20, 2024

Homily for Thursday, Week 11 of Ordinary Time

Homily for Thursday
11th Week of Ordinary Time

June 20, 2024
Matt 6: 7-15
Christian Brothers, St. Joseph’s Residence, N.R.

“This is how you are to pray” (Matt 6: 9).

Jesus teaches the apostles (Duccio)

We’re still listening to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.  Our passage today is mostly about prayer.  As you know, many books have been written interpreting the Our Father.  I was quite impressed years ago by Louis Evely’s We Dare to Say Our Father, which you can still find online.

This week we’ve been reading in the Divine Office St. Cyprian’s “Treatise on the Lord’s Prayer.”  Regarding the petition “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” Cyprian observes that no one can prevent God from doing as he wills.  Our prayer really is “that God’s will be done in us, because the devil throws up obstacles to prevent our mind and our conduct from obeying God in all things.  So if his will is to be done in us we have need of his will, that is, his help and protection.”  He cites Jesus’ example in Gethsemane, praying that he be able to face his passion, that he carry out his Father’s will rather than run away from the cup set before him.[1]

So do we need the Father’s help daily to take up and consume the cup presented to us.  Often it’s a cup of joy—in our brotherhood, in affection from our relatives and friends, in some success achieved, in a good visit to a doctor.  But often—too often, no?—it’s a cup of suffering; not as severe as the Lord’s passion, not as severe as the violence in Sudan, Congo, Ukraine, or Gaza, not as severe as the wildfires in the West or homelessness in our cities, but severe enuf for our frail bodies and hearts.

May our Lord Jesus help us accept his Father’s will daily.  May our Mother Mary, the Lord’s obedient maidservant, also assist us.

[1] LOH 3:367-368.

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