Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Homily for Tuesday, 6th Week of Easter

Homily for Tuesday
6th Week of Easter

May 6, 2023
Acts 16: 22-34
John 16: 5-11
Christian Brothers, St. Joseph’s Residence, New Rochelle

“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you and your household will be saved” (Acts 16: 31).

In yesterday’s passage from Acts, Paul and Silas began freely teaching the Gospel at Philippi and won converts.  The lectionary skips over the next episode, in which Paul exorcises a slave girl and then her owners instigate public opposition, which in turn leads to the attack and imprisonment we just read of.  So the 2 apostles have an opportunity to preach the Gospel in circumstances less free.  But their preaching is still effective.

It’s effective because Jesus has sent the Advocate to be with them (cf. John 16:7) and with the whole Church.  The Advocate convicts the world of sin (16:8)—which in our hearts we’re all aware of—but also makes known the remedy:  belief in the redemption offered to us in Christ.

The Advocate remains with us, brothers, regardless of our circumstances, to heal us of our sins, to master the power of the Evil One—“the ruler of this world has been condemned” (16:11)—and to make us preachers of the Gospel to one another, to the staff of our house, to anyone with whom we converse or to whom we write.

The Lord has “built up strength within” us, and he “will complete what he has done for” us (Ps 138:3,8), and for all whom Christ calls to salvation.

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