Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Homily for Wednesday after Epiphany

Homily for
Wednesday after Epiphany

January 9, 2019
Mark 6: 45-52
Don Bosco Cristo Rey, Takoma Park, Md.

“On the contrary, their hearts were hardened” (Mark 6: 52).

As Bro. Bill would say, that’s harsh.

The disciples have just witnessed the m:iracle of the loaves and fish, and now Jesus comes to them walking on the lake and speaking encouragement.  But they don’t understand, for their hearts are hardened.

Christ Walking on the Water (Julius S. Von Klever)
Don’t understand what?  Hardened to what?  To who Jesus is.

Eventually Simon Peter will start to understand:  “You are the Messiah (8:29).  But even then his hardened heart won’t grasp what that means, and he’ll resist the message of the cross (8:31-38).

Why are their hearts hardened?  Well, when Jesus “went off to the mountain to pray” (6:46), where were the disciples?  Not with Jesus in prayer.  Never at prayer.

No disciple’s heart can be soft, pliant, receptive until and unless he joins the Lord in humble prayer, like Jesus seeking and trying to do the Father’s will.

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