Pastoral Assignments for 2019: Round 1
Pastoral Assignments for 2019: Round 1
A letter from Fr. Tim Zak, provincial, on Dec. 26 announced the 1st set of pastoral assignments that will take effect on July 1, 2019--in this case, for the triennium 2019-2022.
The 5 appointments announced--4 directors and a member of the provincial council--all required confirmation by the Rector Major.
Fr. Mike Conway |
Fr. Michael Conway was appointed to a 3-year term on the provincial council. He will replace Fr. James Heuser, whom Fr. Zak thanked for his decades of leadership offered to the province (as vice provincial, provincial, and most recently provincial councilor, as well as director). Fr. Conway is currently in his 4th year as director of the SDB community in Maryland (the "Washington" community) and president of Don Bosco Cristo Rey HS and Corporate Work-Study Program.
At the same time, Fr. Heuser's current term as director-president of Don Bosco Prep in Ramsey, N.J., was extended for 1 additional year.
Fr. Michael Pace was appointed to a new 3-year term as director of the SDB house of formation in Orange, N.J.
Fr. Jack Janko |
Fr. John "Jack" Janko was named director of the SDB community of East Boston, which serves Salesian Boys & Girls Club there. He was director there from 2000 to 2007 and, after a long assignment at Don Bosco Prep in Ramsey, is currently a member of the Club staff. He will replace Fr. James "Jay" Horan, who is in his 3d year as director.
At St. John Bosco Parish in Chicago, Fr. Richard Alejunas,
Fr. Rich Alejunas |
parochial vicar there, will begin a 3-year term as director of the community, succeeding Fr. Thomas Provenzano, who will be completing 6 years as director. It appears that Fr. Tom will stay on as pastor.
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