Solemnity of Pentecost
June 4, 2017
Acts 2: 1-11
John 20: 19-23
Holy Cross, Champaign, Ill.
“They were all filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts
2: 4).
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From a medieval Liturgy of the Hours, ca. 1485 |
In either case, the risen Jesus sends the
Spirit upon his apostles gathered in the upper room. He sends the Spirit, it seems to me, for 2
purposes. The 1st is to bind his
disciples to himself, to our heavenly Father, and to one another. The 2d is to enable them to carry on his work
of human redemption.
Theologians speak of the Holy Spirit as the
bond of love between God the Father and God the Son. The Spirit is also the bond of love in our
Christian lives. This unity among
believers is symbolized in the Pentecost story from Acts in the wondrous ability
of all the listeners to understand the apostles’ preaching, regardless of their
different languages: Latin, Greek,
Aramaic, Arabic, Farsi, and Lord knows what else. The Spirit forges us all into one holy people
of God, one universal communion of brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. “In the Spirit we were all baptized into one
body, whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free, and we were all given to drink of
one Spirit” (1 Cor 12:13).
We’ve been given the same Spirit that came
upon Jesus of Nazareth at his baptism in the Jordan. At that time the Father voiced his pleasure
in his beloved Son (Matt 3:17||). The
Spirit makes us, as well, beloved children of the Father, members of God’s
family. We are sealed or stamped as
God’s own people, marked for an eternal destiny, heirs of the kingdom of God with
Jesus Christ. That gift of the Spirit was
given to us in Baptism, was confirmed in our 2d sacrament of Christian
initiation, and is renewed every time we commune with the Body and Blood of our
Lord Jesus. We are one with all true
believers in Jesus Christ in our time, in past ages, in time to come—this grand
communion of saints bound together by the Holy Spirit. As Fr. Dave would say, “How wonderful is
On Easter nite, Jesus breathed the Holy
Spirit (John 20:22), his Spirit, upon the disciples, huddled so fearfully in
the upper room (20:19) where 3 nites earlier they’d all celebrated Passover. With his Spirit he transmitted to them his
mission of redeeming the world. They
were to go forth in the power of his Spirit and forgive sins, reconcile sinners
to God (20:22-23). That, pure and
simple, is the work of the Church: to
reconcile sinners with the Father and the Son thru the Holy Spirit—not in any
inherent power of bishops and priests to forgive sins but by the commission of
Jesus and the gift of the Spirit. In the
power of the Spirit, the Church preaches the Gospel of Jesus and the Church
celebrates the sacraments of Jesus in order to reconcile all of us with God, to
fill us with God’s love—also called “grace”—to put us into that peace with God
that Jesus bestowed upon his disciples on Easter nite.
“Come, Holy Spirit, come!
O most blessed light divine, shine within these hearts of thine, and our
inmost being fill. Heal our wounds, our
strength renew, on our dryness pour thy dew; wash the stains of guilt
away. On the faithful who adore and
confess thee, evermore thy sevenfold gift descend; give them thy salvation,
Lord; give them joys that never end.
Amen!” (Sequence)
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