For several weeks there'd been a water leak in the main supplying the mission office. No one really wanted to close Salesian Missions, which would have to be done if the water were shut down while the leak were hunted for and repaired. But the powers-that-be (whoever they be) finally decided it had to be done. The water company disclaimed any responsibility because the leak was on our property (leaving a nice little puddle along the left field foul line of the baseball field).
So the mission office closed on Monday, and someone spent all day figuring out where the leak might be. On Tuesday we brought in a contractor, and his crew and Bro. Andy LaCombe spent all day digging up the pavement and hunting for the leak, without finding it. The mission office, of course, remained shut since it had no water: no fire sprinklers, no toilets, "nor any drop to drink," as the Ancient Mariner lamented in his plight. On Wednesday, the office still shut, they finally found the leak shortly before noon, and by the end of the day they had it sealed up.
So on Thursday the office re-opened while the contractors and Bro. Andy filled in the trench. By then the staff were more than ready to come back to work, having done all the housekeeping at home that they cared to do in 3 days of unplanned paid vacation. Fr. Mark Hyde was more than happy to welcome them back!
Besides all the onlookers at the provincial house as the digging and repair went on during Tuesday and Wednesday, there were other interested observers:
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