As most of the country knows, the Northeast has had a wee bit of snow in the last three weeks. This isn't to make comparisons with any other part of the country. No one would mistake us for International Falls!
By my count we've had 4 winter storms, the last of them last nite--nasty enuf to keep 2 of us home early this morning when the Notre Dame Sisters in the Bronx and the Christian Brothers at Iona canceled their Masses.
The worst storm was the blizzard Dec. 26-27, which dumped about 12" here, and that was blown all over the place by strong winds. In fact, after plowing it for several hours neither Bro. Andy nor Fr. Terry could say for sure how much they thought we'd gotten, because of the drifts. There were big piles against some walls, and on the front lawn the grass was visible in some spots. Here are some pix that I took around 6:30 p.m. on the 26th.
On my way to chapel on the morning of the 27th, I took this one around 7:00 a.m. You can see where Bro. Andy has already piled up the snow with his plow on either side of the garage.
I went out between 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. and took these:
From in front of our house, looking toward Salesian HS, with wind whipping up the snow across our front "lawn"
with the new gym at the far end
(note the drifts on the steps and to the right)
All of that wasn't nearly melted when we got hit again by about 7" on the 11th of this month. You know that old saw, "Red sky at nite, sailor's delight"? This is what the westward sky looked like from our side porch on the evening of the 10th:
And this is what the house looked like about 20 hours later:
Some of the neighborhood kids were having a grand time on the slope below the house, as they usually do after a moderate or heavy snow.
I took a walk out to Five Islands Park behind our property and got these shots, among others:
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