On Monday, May 18, we came at last to the primary reason for my trip to Rome. The editors (direttori in Italian) of 23 Salesian Bulletins from five of the six inhabited continents met at Salesian headquarters (“the Pisana,” from its address at 1111 via della Pisana) from the 18th to the 20th. The week before there had been a separate meeting in Munich just for editors of European editions of the SB.
The meeting was prepared and presided over by Fr. Filiberto Gonzalez, member of the general council responsible for communications media, and Fr. Giancarlo Manieri, editor of the Italian SB. The key topics were self-evaluations since the last general meeting of SB editors (Rome, September 2005), the nature and essential components of the SB, and approaches for improving and expanding the SB in the next few years.
The editors met in three language groups (Italian, Spanish, English) on the first morning to critique their magazines: how have we improved them since 2005, and what do we still need to do? We met again on the last morning to discuss follow-up from this meeting.
The editors met in three language groups (Italian, Spanish, English) on the first morning to critique their magazines: how have we improved them since 2005, and what do we still need to do? We met again on the last morning to discuss follow-up from this meeting.
In Monday afternoon Fr. Vito Orlando, communications professor at the Salesian Pontifical University, and the Rector Major addressed us—all in Italian. But Fr. Orlando had a good PowerPoint outline that made him easy enuf to follow, and the RM’s Italian isn’t complicated. Plus, he stopped now and then to invite questions or comments.
Both Fr. Orlando and Fr. Chavez presented the SB as an instrument of the entire Salesian Congregation (not of the editor alone or even of a single province/country). Its job is to present the authentic face of Don Bosco and the Salesian Family to the world, and the world to the Salesian Family through a Salesian prism—to give a Salesian slant to events and issues of concern to Church and society. It is to link everyone who believes he or she is a part of the Salesian world. Both stressed that the SB editor represents Don Bosco himself to the magazine’s readers. The editor has to have a keen awareness of the present situation of the Church, of the modern world (issues like globalization, communication, education), of modern society (multiethnic, multireligious, multicultural). Everything in the world is in some sense Salesian. They also pointed to the need for a clear mission statement and editorial policy known to all who contribute to the SB.
In his presentation on Tuesday morning, Fr. Julian Fox, Fr. Gonzalez’s executive assistant in the communications department, used PowerPoint and a lot of Italian and English to describe the new media (e.g., the Internet in all its varieties: the Web, blogs, chat rooms, FaceBook YouTube, Twitter, and all such things) as a new social event using a new language with its own grammar and syntax. He made numerous suggestions on how to use it more effectively. He recommended getting the SB on-line in an active (note merely archival) edition, commending the Argentine provinces for their version that’s already up and running (http://www.boletinsalesiano.com.ar/).
We had an afternoon field trip to the Vatican Polyglot Press, which prints the Holy See’s L’Osservatore Romano and various books and programs and which is directed by the Salesians.
In this room the plates are produced that will be set into the presses--no more "hot lead" to be set in this business.
We also had some free time for sightseeing in or near the Vatican. Yours truly and Fr. Fox visited Castel Sant’Angelo, which used to be the papal fortress but is now a state museum (photo below).
At meeting’s end, Fr. Filiberto summed up by urging the SB editors to involve the entire Salesian Family in their magazines; continue to improve our design, e.g. by making it more graphic, more pictorial; remember the universal dimensions of its contents; prepare an editorial policy; develop working and evaluation teams; evaluate our product regularly; undertake what Benedict XVI has called “the journey of the ‘digital continent’” in small but steady steps to evangelize that continent where the young live; remember that the SB is the public face of the Congregation, and the editor is the image of Don Bosco.
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