Friday afternoon, after Fr. Jim Mulloy finished his classes at Salesian HS, he and I took off for an overnite hiking and camping trip in Harriman State Park. Our destination was a very short section of the Appalachian Trail running southwest from Arden Valley Rd., more or less parallel to Seven Lakes Drive and Lake Tiorati, but way up on the ridge of Fingerboard Mt.
The AT, as many folks know, runs for over 2,200 miles from northern Georgia to central Maine. The RD is much more local, running from Tuxedo Park, just outside Harriman SP on the west, to Jones Point on the Hudson (under the Dunderberg, or Thunder Mt.), a stretch of perhaps 20 miles.
A 45-minute hike brought the shelter into view, very welcome for 3 reasons: 1st, to get out of the drizzle; 2nd, to reassure us that we hadn't bypassed it accidentally (neither of us had been on this trail since October 2004); 3rd, the sooner we got there--and this was about 4 o'clock--the better our odds of being first there, as in "first come, first served," which is the rule on the state park shelters.
The shelter is 350 feet off the AT-RD where a 3rd trail, the Hurst Trail, ends. The photo above shows 2 signs, the lower one with a bunch of AT distances marked on it, and the other gives distances to the shelter, to a spring (.1 mile), and to Seven Lakes Dr. and Lake Tiorati (.5 mile) on the Hurst.
About an hour after Fr. Jim and I arrived at the shelter, another hiker came along. We invited him to join us. Sometimes people will be glad to do that, and sometimes they'll prefer their own privacy (or be unsure whether to trust you). This fellow, named Andy from Vermont, accepted our hospitality and spent the nite. He and Fr. Jim talked a lot about hiking, particularly in New England, where Fr. Jim has lots of experience and I none.
In the morning (Saturday) we had a little bit of sun. Andy left at the crack of dawn to go about his own pursuits. Fr. Jim and I got up between 6:30 and 7:00, ate breakfast, packed up, and hit the trail at 8:15. With the sun out, or at least without drizzle and mist, we could make out Lake Tiorati far below (about 300 feet elevation and a half-mile hike). You can see it in the picture below, and on the tree behind Fr. Jim you can easily make out the blazes for the AT (6" white rectangle) and the RD (red dot in white circle).
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