Saturday, June 22, 2024

Maureen Devereux, Member of Order of British Empire

Maureen Devereux Named a Member of the Order of the British Empire

Mother of Martyr Sean Devereux

(ANS - London – June 20, 2024)
– On June 15, King Charles III of the United Kingdom made public the list of honors for his birthday, a list that collects the different awards and recognitions granted by virtue of their merits to the citizens of the United Kingdom and the other 14 realms of the Commonwealth. Among those honored is Maureen Devereux, the mother of Sean Devereux – Salesian past pupil, Salesian Cooperator, teacher, and humanitarian volunteer assassinated at the age of 28 in Kismayo, Somalia, on January 2, 1993, while he was working in a UNICEF food program.

U.N. Secretary General Dr. Boutrus-Boutrus Ghali commented: “In adverse, and often dangerous circumstances Sean showed complete dedication to his work. His colleagues admired his energy, his courage, and his compassion. Sean was an exemplary staff member and gave his life serving others, in the true spirit of the United Nations. Sean was a real soldier of peace.”

Mrs. Devereux is cofounder and administrator of the Sean Devereux Children's Fund. She will be awarded the honor of Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) for the services she continues to give, in memory of her son, in the fields of education and humanitarian support for young people in Africa. “I am shocked, humbled, and deeply honored,” she commented. I accept it on behalf of the Fund, its dedicated trustees, past and present, and the very many friends and family who have helped establish, run, and support our charity over many years. The essence of Sean lives on in us today more surely than his death, to keep his vision alive and the Sean Devereux Children’s Fund continues to help less fortunate children in Africa.”

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