Thursday, June 27, 2024

Homily for Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Homily for the Feast of
Our Lady of Perpetual Help[1]

June 27, 2024
Is 12: 2-6
Luke 1: 39-56
Christian Brothers, St. Joseph’s Residence, N.R.

Isaiah’s hymn in ch. 12 (our responsory) lauds God’s   saving action on behalf of Israel.  It probably looks back to the Exodus and forward to further help from the Lord.  In fact, the 2d main section of the prophet’s book, ch. 40-55, will focus on the new exodus, Israel’s deliverance from exile and return to Jerusalem, and will speak of God’s salvation among all the nations.

Mary’s hymn, sung as she comes to help Elizabeth deliver her child, proclaims again God’s saving power for Israel—“in every generation” (Luke 1:50), not something only of the past.  Mary’s aware that she’s becoming God’s agent:  “The Almighty has done great things for me” (1:49); not for her sake but for all Abraham’s children (1:55).

We, Abraham’s children by faith, as Paul believes (Rom 4:16-18), then benefit from our Mother Mary’s agency.  She comes to our help as she went to Elizabeth’s so that we might “sing praise to the Lord for his glorious achievement” (Is 12:5) and might live as Paul urges us:  loving sincerely, with mutual affection, hating what’s evil and holding on to what’s good, fervently serving the Lord and contributing to the needs of the holy ones (Rom 12:9-11,13), in imitation of Mary herself.

[1] OL of Perpetual Help is the patroness of the Irish Christian Brothers.  The feast has proper prayers and readings.

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