for the
3d Sunday
of Advent
Dec. 11, 2016
Matt 11: 1-11
Holy Cross, Champaign, Ill.
said to them in reply, ‘Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind regain their sight, the lame walk,
lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have the
good news proclaimed to them’” (Matt 11: 4-5).
the centuries, commentators have debated about John the Baptist’s motive in
sending his disciples to ask Jesus whether he was the one who was to come, the
one whose coming John had preached, e.g., in what we heard in last Sunday’s
gospel (Matt 3:1-12). They’ve debated
whether John sent them for his own sake—he himself was trying to answer that
question about Jesus; or for the sake of his disciples—he knew the answer but
they didn’t, so he wanted them to hear and see the answer first-hand.
John's disciples visit him in prison
(source unknown)
historic person of Jesus is long-gone, obviously. When people today wonder who Jesus was, or
who Jesus is, they can’t be directed to Judea or Galilee to see for themselves
what marvelous healings he’s working or hear for themselves the wisdom and
truth of his teachings. Yet, as you
know, many people today do question
whether Jesus is the one sent by God, ask why they should pay any more
attention to him than they pay to the Buddha or Mohammed or Karl Marx or Steve
Jobs, ask whether Jesus should make any difference in their lives.
been reported that someone once asked Gandhi whether he’d ever considered
becoming a Christian, and he answered that he loved Christ; it was his
followers that he had a problem with —followers who were practicing apartheid
in South Africa when Gandhi lived there and began practicing law, and who were
the colonial masters of India and suppressors of Indian efforts to gain
self-government when Gandhi and others began their peaceful resistance to
British rule.
is the evidence that Jesus Christ is the one sent by God to fulfill the
promises, to redeem humanity, the evidence that people can see and hear today
if Jesus himself is no longer visible and audible?
evidence is his followers. Assuredly people
can see the followers of Jesus healing the sick in countless hospitals and
health clinics all over the world, often at the risk of their own lives, e.g.,
during the Ebola epidemic in West Africa a year or 2 back.
people can see the followers of Jesus feeding the hungry and clothing the naked
in refugee camps and migrant shelters in the Middle East and on our own
southern border; resettling refugees fleeing from Cuba and Vietnam in the
recent past or from Syria in the present; helping Haitians recover from
earthquake and a hurricane.
people can see Catholic schools and child-care centers in the poorest countries
in the world like Haiti and Mongolia and the Central African Republic, in the
most inaccessible parts of the world like the headwaters of the Amazon and the
frozen hills of Tierra del Fuego, and in the inner cities of New York, Chicago,
and Los Angeles.
all of those examples, by the way, the Church welcomes people of any
creed. As has been said often, we don’t
serve the poor, the sick, the homeless, the refugee because they’re Catholic but because we’re Catholic. We do what Christ did because that’s what he
expects of us, commands us. (And that’s
why we can say that Catholic hospitals, schools, soup kitchens, etc., are
Catholic ministries covered by our freedom of religion, our freedom from
government mandates that would violate our consciences.)
people can see that missionaries risk their lives to preach the Good News to
the poor in the Third World where the few, landed rich want to keep the many
poor dispossessed, dependent, and ignorant of their God-given dignity—like Fr.
Stanley Rother from Oklahoma City, who went as a missionary to Guatemala and
was killed there for defending the rights of the poor, and whom Pope Francis
just officially recognized as a martyr.
Missionaries have risked and continue to risk their lives in places
where war makes it dangerous to stay with the flock, e.g., during the recent civil
wars in Liberia and Sierra Leone, and the current ones in South Sudan and
most people don’t pay a lot of attention to all those wonderful things that
“the Church,” that big institution, does for the poor, the sick, the homeless,
the refugee, the oppressed. The
followers of Jesus whom most people pay attention to are those why meet every
day. They pay attention to you and me. What do people hear and see when they look at
us, when they listen to us?
Tuesday the comic strip Pearls before
Swine showed a couple of Mormon-looking door-to-door evangelists at Rat’s
door. They inquired, “Have you heard the
Good News?” He answered
enthusiastically, “Yes! The Steelers covered
the spread!”
we hear “Good News,” is football what comes to mind? (Well, I guess not if you’re a Bears
fan.) Or a department store sale? Or the start of hunting season? Or a favorable weather forecast? Or a college acceptance? Or some political development?
many of us associate “Good News” with Jesus Christ? How many of us have so incorporated Jesus
into our own lives that people see him reflected in our actions, hear him
echoed in our words? Or are we like
those politicians who proclaim their Catholic devotion on Sunday and then speak
and vote for pagan practices like abortion, euthanasia, and sexual deviancy the
rest of the week?
course we’re all sinners and our behavior is often inconsistent with our
belief, and our hearts often struggle between what the baptismal rite calls the
“lure of evil” and the “empty promises” of Satan and what Jesus calls the
straight and narrow path of God’s kingdom.
What’s important is that we don’t start proclaiming that those empty
promises fulfill us, that lies are truth, that evil is good; and that we admit
our sins and turn to our Lord Jesus to be forgiven. The forgiveness of Jesus: another aspect of the poor—that would be
us!—having the Good News proclaimed to them.
Jesus forgives us. Jesus heals
and sisters, most of us can’t restore the sight of the blind or make the lame walk,
much less raise the dead. (Praise be to
doctors and nurses who serve in the ministries of healing! But even they have limits.) But we can be healers in many ways—thru
kindness, words of comfort, offers of forgiveness. We can welcome strangers, find ways to share
our abundance with the needy, be honest and truthful. We can announce the Good News that Jesus is
our redeemer by teaching the faith to our children and perhaps to others and by
being ready to answer the questions of inquirers.
Jesus the one whom God sent to save us?
When our neighbors see us and hear us, what do they see?