A Week of
Discernment & Elections
Toward the 11th Successor of Don Bosco and the General Councilors
(ANS – Turin – March 23, 2025) – The week ahead represents a
crucial moment for the 29th General Chapter, during which the capitulars will
elect Don Bosco’s 11th successor, along with the vicar general and the general councilors.
It’s a decisive week for the future of the Salesian Congregation, to be lived
in an atmosphere of intense prayer, reflection, and discernment.
the capitulars on this important journey of discernment is Fr. Amedeo
Cencini, a prominent figure in spiritual guidance and decision-making
processes. With his experience and sensitivity, Fr. Cencini will guide the
proceedings so that every step is inspired by the Holy Spirit. While the
capitulars reflect and discern, the Salesian world and the Salesian Family
across the globe unite in prayer, spiritually supporting this precious and
decisive moment for the future of the Salesian mission.
is the schedule for the week, with an analysis of the highlights of each day.
Sunday, March 23: Opening the Week with Reflection and
week begins at 4:00 p.m. in the aula magna with an opening prayer and a
greeting from the president of the general chapter. This will be followed by a
meditation from Fr. Amedeo Cencini, who will introduce the capitulars to the
spirit of spiritual discernment needed for the days ahead.
day will conclude with Vespers in the basilica of MHC at 7:30 p.m. and
Eucharistic adoration in the church of St. Francis de Sales, fostering an
atmosphere of contemplation and prayer.
Monday, March 24: Preparation for the Election of the
Rector Major
day will begin with Mass celebrated at 7:00 a.m. by Fr. Cencini. Following
this, the capitulars will gather for a moment of prayer and reflection,
followed by group work to define the expectations and profile of the new rector
major, in light of the experience of the 2020–2024 term.
the afternoon, each capitular will propose a name for the position of rector major.
The committees will then synthesize the results and proceed with a secret vote
to identify the main candidates. At 6:30 p.m. in the aula magna, the synthesis
of expectations and profiles will be presented, followed by silent reflection
and a preliminary vote. The day will conclude with the Rosary and
Eucharistic adoration, led by the Association of Mary Help of Christians
Tuesday, March 25: Election of the 12th Rector Major
will be the most significant day of the week, as the final voting for the new rector
major will take place. After the Eucharist at 7:00 a.m., the capitulars will
gather in prayer and silence, invoking the Holy Spirit before proceeding with
the election.
elected, the new rector major will accept the position, make the profession of
faith, and receive greetings from his confreres and the mother general of the FMAs.
In the afternoon, attention will turn to the discernment process for the
selection of the vicar of the rector major, through group discussions and
personal reflections. The day will conclude with a Eucharistic adoration
of thanksgiving.
Wednesday, March 26: Election of the Vicar of the Rector
day will begin with Mass celebrated by the new rector major. After the
presentation of the synthesis of expectations and profiles, the capitulars will
proceed with the final vote for the vicar of the rector major. The vicar will
accept the position, make the profession of faith, and sign the official
the afternoon, the committees will work on defining the expectations and
profiles of the general councilors for formation and youth ministry, 2 pivotal
roles for the future of the Congregation.
Thursday, March 27: Discernment for Communications,
Missions, and the Treasurer General
day will focus on the discernment and election of the general councilors for communications
and the missions, and the treasurer general. Thru moments of prayer,
discussions, and voting, the capitulars will reflect on the specific needs of
these sectors, ensuring that the elected candidates are prepared to address the
challenges of our time.
day will conclude with Eucharistic adoration, maintaining the spirit of prayer
and unity.
Friday, March 28: Election of Department Councilors
will be dedicated to the election of the department councilors and the
beginning of discernment for the regional councilors. As previously noted, this
time 2 regional councilors will be appointed for Africa. The morning will begin
with a presentation of the profiles and expectations for each role, followed by
voting. Each election will be accompanied by the acceptance of the position by
the elected candidates.
the afternoon, the capitulars will work in regional committees to prepare for
the final vote for the regional councilors, ensuring that the needs and
perspectives of the different regions are represented.
Saturday, March 29: Election of Regional Councilors
final day will begin with a summary of the profiles and expectations for the regional
councilors, followed by the final vote in the aula magna. The new regional councilors
will accept their positions and join the governing team of the Congregation.
week will conclude with Solemn Vespers in the basilica at 7:00 p.m.
and a festive dinner, celebrating the unity and renewal of the Salesian Family.
week of elections represents a historic moment for the Salesian Congregation,
during which the new leadership that will guide Don Bosco’s mission for the
next 6 years will be defined. Under the spiritual guidance of Fr. Amedeo
Cencini, the capitulars will experience a profound discernment process, seeking
the inspiration of the Holy Spirit for every decision.
Salesian world and the Salesian Family across the globe are united in prayer,
spiritually supporting this moment of grace and asking for God’s blessing upon
the newly elected leaders. Don Bosco’s mission continues, and this week marks
the beginning of a new chapter of service to young people, especially the most
vulnerable, with renewed enthusiasm and vision.