Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Homily for Wednesday, 3d Week of Lent

Homily for Wednesday
3d Week of Lent

March 26, 2025
Deut 4: 1, 5-9
Salesian HS, New Rochelle, N.Y.

“What great nation has gods so close to it as the Lord, our God, is to us?” (Deut 4: 7).

The Lord expressed his closeness to Israel in 2 ways:  1st, by his actions, 2d by his commandments.

Israel comes out of Egypt

His actions included everything he did to save Israel from slavery in Egypt and lead them into the Promised Land.  His commandments ordained not only worship but also respect for people.  By treating people with respect—honoring parents, being truthful, honoring marriage, respecting people’s property and goods—we also honor God.  God is close to us in other people; we’re all images of God.

As Christians we believe God is even closer to us.  We remember what he does for us thru his Son Jesus:  forgiving our sins, making us his children, leading us to eternal life, always with us in the Eucharist.  God is always close to us.  He loves us even more than we can say.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Fr. Fabio Attard, 11th Successor of Don Bosco

Fr. Fabio Attard,
11th Successor of Don Bosco

Fr. Fabio and his predecessors

(ANS – Turin – March 25, 2025)
 – The election of Fr. Fabio Attard as the 11th successor of Don Bosco marks a historic moment for the Salesian Congregation and the Salesian Family worldwide. Elected during the 29th General Chapter of the Society of St. Francis de Sales, Fr. Fabio Attard fully embodies Don Bosco’s charism and is preparing to lead the Salesian mission dedicated to young people, especially the poorest and most vulnerable, in 136 nations. With extensive theological, pastoral, and academic experience, Fr. Attard is called to guide the Salesians toward a renewed future, bringing Don Bosco’s dream to the heart of the contemporary world.

A Journey of Faith and Formation

Born on March 23, 1959, in Gozo, Malta, Fr. Fabio Attard grew up in Victoria, where he attended public primary and secondary schools. His vocation began to take shape during his years at the major seminary of Gozo (1975-1978). Later, he entered the Salesian aspirantate at Savio College in Dingli, Malta, before preparing for the novitiate in Dublin. On September 8, 1980, he made his religious profession as a Salesian in Maynooth, Ireland.

Fr. Attard pursued his studies with great dedication, earning a degree in theology from the Pontifical Salesian University (UPS) and a licentiate in moral theology from the prestigious Accademia Alfonsiana in Rome. Ordained on July 4, 1987, he embarked on a ministry deeply rooted in pastoral care and academic research.

A Missionary and Educator in the Service of the World

Fr. Attard’s missionary spirit manifested itself from the early years of his Salesian life. From 1988 to 1991, he was part of the group of Salesians who initiated the Congregation’s presence in Tunisia, in a predominantly Muslim context, where he laid the foundations for evangelical and educational service. Returning to Malta, he assumed leadership roles as rector of St. Patrick’s Salesian School and the Salesian Oratory, where he served from 1993 to 1996.

In 1999, Fr. Attard completed his doctoral research on the theme of conscience within the Anglican sermons of John Henry Newman at the Milltown Institute for Philosophy and Theology. Thanks to his expertise, he became part of the faculty of the UPS, during which he also co-directed doctoral theses at the Alphonsian Academy and contributed to the academic formation of future theologians.

A Visionary for Youth Ministry

Fr. Attard’s role as a global leader materialized in 2008, when he was elected the general councilor for youth ministry during the 26th General Chapter. Re-elected for a 2d term in 2014, he held this position until 2020, guiding the Salesian Congregation in its mission for and with young people.

Under his coordination, the Salesian Youth Ministry Framework (2013) was published, a foundational document offering updated guidelines for Salesian pastoral work worldwide. Fr. Attard promoted global initiatives such as the International Congress on Youth Ministry and the Family (Madrid, 2017) and coordinated activities to address issues such as marginalization, poverty, and migration.

He also strengthened missionary volunteer programs and consolidated technical and vocational education and training thru initiatives like Don Bosco Tech Africa and Don Bosco Tech ASEAN, representing the Salesians at important international forums on youth policy, migration, and youth employment in Brussels and New York.

A Bridge Between Theology and Pastoral Care

In addition to his administrative roles, Fr. Attard has always stood out as a builder of bridges between theology and pastoral care. In 2005, he founded and directed the Pastoral Formation Institute in Malta, dedicated to the training of lay people engaged in pastoral ministry. He continued to teach as a visiting professor at the UPS, contributing to the intellectual and spiritual development of Salesian educators and their collaborators.

His contribution to the universal Church was recognized in 2018, when Pope Francis appointed him as a consultant to the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life. His participation in the Synod on Young People (2018) highlighted his commitment to giving voice to young people and fostering their greater integration into the life of the Church.

A Leader for the Future of the Salesian Congregation

At the end of his term as general councilor, Fr. Attard was tasked with coordinating Salesian and lay formation in Europe from 2020 to 2023. This project led to the creation of a master’s program for the formation of Salesians and lay collaborators, now managed by the UPS in collaboration with the youth ministry department.

Carrying Forward Don Bosco’s Dream

With his deep spirituality, charismatic vision, brilliant academic career, and decades of experience, Fr. Fabio is fully prepared to animate and govern the Salesian Congregation and the Salesian Family in the 21st century.

His election represents a new dawn for the Salesian Congregation, which, under his leadership, will continue to grow as a global force for education, evangelization, and social transformation. Fr. Fabio will inspire and motivate Salesians, lay collaborators, and young people worldwide to carry forward Don Bosco’s mission: to be witnesses and bearers of God’s love for young people, especially the most in need.

Under his leadership, the Salesian Congregation will continue to flourish, carrying forward Don Bosco’s dream and transforming the lives of thousands of young people worldwide. He is called to lead the 2d-largest religious congregation in the world, generating hope and light for new generations.

Fr. Fabio Attard is the New Salesian Rector Major

Don Bosco’s 11th Successor Elected

Fr. Fabio Attard Is the New Rector Major

(ANS – Turin – March 25, 2025) - The 29th General Chapter of the Society of St. Francis de Sales has elected the new rector major, Fr. Fabio Attard, after an intense period of synodal discernment. 220 provincials and delegates were gathered at the historic motherhouse of the Society at Valdocco in Turin.

As the 11th successor of Don Bosco, Fr. Attard is called to lead the Salesian Congregation and to perpetuate its charism in the service of young people, especially the poorest and most vulnerable, in 136 nations around the world. He fully embodies the contemporary Salesian identity. With his charism, Fr. Fabio will animate and govern a community composed of 13,750 consecrated members (priests and brothers), organized into 92 provinces across six continents.

[Editor’s note] Fr. Attard’s election was a historic first. After serving 12 years on the general council (2008-2020), he was not a member of this chapter and wasn’t present. He had to be summoned from Rome to take his new office. He is a native of Malta.

Fr. Fabio (2d from right) with New Rochelle's SDBs at GC29:
Fr. Mike Pace (translation staff), Bro. Travis Gunther (province delegate),
and Fr. Dominic Tran (provincial)

Monday, March 24, 2025

Homily for Monday, 3d Week of Lent

Homily for Monday
3d Week of Lent

March 24, 2025
2 Kgs 5: 1-15
Luke 4: 24-30
Provincial House, New Rochelle

The Cleansing of Naaman

It must have been humbling for Naaman, a great general, to realize that he’d become a leper.  Humbling, too, to be given advice by a slave girl.  Humbling again to go to a foreign country, one he’d probably fought, to seek healing.  The final humiliation, as we heard, was to be told simply to bathe in the Jordan, without any elaborate ritual or special attention from the prophet.  But from Naaman’s humility came salvation.

In Nazareth the people couldn’t see how the young man they’d known for decades could be God’s voice for them.  They couldn’t see that God might act to save foreigners.  They weren’t humble enuf for that, and they missed out on the salvation that Jesus brings.

On the 24th of the month, we remember her who was the Lord’s humble handmaid, and thereby became the mother of our Salvation.

In lowliness, humility, and simplicity, God saves us.

Discernment & Hope: Keys to the Elections

Discernment is Hoping
Profound Reflection at GC29

Fr. Cencini

(ANS – Turin – March 23, 2025)
 – The first evening of discernment for GC29 took place Sunday in the aula magna, marking the official start of the critical week dedicated to the election of the new rector major and the members of the general council. Guided by Fr. Amedeo Cencini, a Canossian priest, the capitulars embarked on a journey of listening, prayer, and contemplation, centered on the theme of hope and the importance of spiritual discernment.

The session began at 4:00 p.m. with a moment of prayer and an invocation to the Holy Spirit, inviting the capitulars to entrust themselves fully to God during this process of discernment. Shortly afterward, the moderator of the general chapter, Fr. Alphonse Owoudou, opened the proceedings by emphasizing the importance of living this week with complete openness and a willingness to embrace God’s plan.

Following this, the president, Fr. Stefano Martoglio, introduced Fr. Cencini to the assembly, describing him as a spiritual guide of profound experience, uniquely equipped to accompany this significant moment with wisdom and insight.

Fr. Amedeo Cencini’s Insights: Hope as the Heart of Discernment

In his address, Fr. Cencini delivered a meaningful reflection on the theme “Passionate for Jesus Christ, Dedicated to the Young,” connecting it to the present-day realities of the Church and society. He underlined how hope serves as the guiding horizon for the general chapter and as a vital element in confronting the challenges of the modern world.

Fr. Cencini encouraged the capitulars to view discernment as a process intrinsically linked to hope, explaining:

  • Discernment is hoping: Discernment can only occur within the framework of hope, which provides energy, fosters trust, and empowers courageous decision-making.
  • Hoping is discernment: Authentic hope, grounded in faith, is not passive waiting but a confident trust in God that gives us the courage to take risks and dare boldly, as Don Bosco did.

He went on to highlight that hope is a faith that evolves into trust and generates prophecy, transforming life even in moments of crisis. In particular, he emphasized the need to cultivate a hope that knows how to "hope against hope," as St. Paul teaches us (Rom 4:18), especially in times of difficulty for the Church and consecrated life.

Vespers and Adoration: A Spiritual Conclusion

After the profound reflection, the evening continued with the celebration of Vespers in the basilica of MHC at 7:30 p.m., offering a moment of deep spiritual communion.

Following dinner, the capitulars reconvened in the church of St. Francis de Sales for an intense moment of Eucharistic adoration, marked by a spirit of prayer and discernment. This spiritual practice was essential preparation for the journey ahead in the coming days. Adoration provided an opportunity for the participants to entrust the work of the general chapter to God and to open their hearts fully to the illuminating presence of the Holy Spirit.

A Promising Beginning

The evening concluded in an atmosphere of silence and meditation, leaving the capitulars with a heightened awareness of the importance of spiritual discernment. This initial step signals the start of a week dedicated to prayer and reflection, during which the Salesian Family worldwide will be united in prayer to support the general chapter.

Discernment is hoping, and hoping is discernment: this profound truth will serve as the guiding principle for the work in the days ahead. It is a reminder that every decision must be illuminated by the light of the Holy Spirit and oriented toward the good of the young, especially the poorest and most vulnerable.

GC29 Elections in View of Religious Life Today

GC29: Moving Toward Elections with a Clear Awareness of the Current Reality of Religious Life

(ANS – Turin – March 24, 2025)
 – The 5th week of GC29 has been particularly intense. All 3 thematic areas under discussion have now reached the stage of analysis and proposal, requiring the chapter members to shift their focus among multiple key issues.

Additionally, discussions included a proposal for an article in the Regulations on social works, reviewed by the 6 committees, which will determine any necessary regulatory changes. Another significant moment was an update from Fr. Pier Fausto Frisoli, in his role as procurator, regarding the status of ongoing processes related to cases of abuse.

Fr. Chavez’s Reflection on the Work Done

Over the past week and the upcoming one, dedicated to the election of those who will guide the Congregation for the next 6 years, Fr. Pascual Chavez delivered a compelling summary on Saturday, March 22. Addressing the 220 Salesians gathered in Valdocco, he acknowledged that “the Holy Spirit, the true protagonist of this Salesian Pentecost, has guided us thus far and will continue to do so in the coming days.”

The Call for Renewal in Religious Life

As a former rector major, Fr. Chavez shared his reflections in a fatherly tone, focusing on the spiritual journey of each Salesian. He pointed out that “these years of transformation have shaped a new form of religious life. We now have new wineskins, and little by little, new wine is being produced.”

But he also recognized that the idea of “newness” can feel uncomfortable, particularly when it implies spiritual renewal, professional updating, and pedagogical qualification. This effort toward renewal is not unique to the Salesians, but is being embraced across Catholic religious congregations, as envisioned by Vatican II. He recalled:

“When the superiors general decided to address the theme of the refoundation of religious life, they did so out of an awareness that the call for renewal is urgent.”

For the sons of Don Bosco, this means engaging alongside others who live out different forms of spirituality. Since this renewal is rooted in their spiritual identity, it calls them to return to the origins of the Congregation and reclaim its unique mission.

The Perspective and Guiding Questions

Fr. Chavez then offered the assembly a clear direction for the future:

“The strength of religious life lies in its countercultural nature, in its opposition to complacency and limitless material growth without transcendence. Once again, the challenge is one of identity—not based on external elements like attire or structures, but on a deep experience of God that transforms our lives and turns them upside down. It is about building communities that live in a radically new way, offering alternative models to the dominant culture.”

This renewal of Salesian life is directly linked to an honest assessment of the realities within the societies where Salesian communities operate. His words resonated strongly with the chapter members, prompting 19 interventions in the assembly, each offering personal insights in response to 3 key questions that will shape the coming days:

• What choices must we make?
• What priorities should we set?
• What is the profile of the leaders we should elect?

With these questions in mind and heart, the chapter members now enter the decisive week of the elections for the general council.

GC29 Week of Discernment & Elections

A Week of Discernment & Elections

Toward the 11th Successor of Don Bosco and the General Councilors

(ANS – Turin – March 23, 2025)
 – The week ahead represents a crucial moment for the 29th General Chapter, during which the capitulars will elect Don Bosco’s 11th successor, along with the vicar general and the general councilors. It’s a decisive week for the future of the Salesian Congregation, to be lived in an atmosphere of intense prayer, reflection, and discernment.

Accompanying the capitulars on this important journey of discernment is Fr. Amedeo Cencini, a prominent figure in spiritual guidance and decision-making processes. With his experience and sensitivity, Fr. Cencini will guide the proceedings so that every step is inspired by the Holy Spirit. While the capitulars reflect and discern, the Salesian world and the Salesian Family across the globe unite in prayer, spiritually supporting this precious and decisive moment for the future of the Salesian mission.

Below is the schedule for the week, with an analysis of the highlights of each day.

Sunday, March 23: Opening the Week with Reflection and Prayer

The week begins at 4:00 p.m. in the aula magna with an opening prayer and a greeting from the president of the general chapter. This will be followed by a meditation from Fr. Amedeo Cencini, who will introduce the capitulars to the spirit of spiritual discernment needed for the days ahead.

The day will conclude with Vespers in the basilica of MHC at 7:30 p.m. and Eucharistic adoration in the church of St. Francis de Sales, fostering an atmosphere of contemplation and prayer.

Monday, March 24: Preparation for the Election of the Rector Major

The day will begin with Mass celebrated at 7:00 a.m. by Fr. Cencini. Following this, the capitulars will gather for a moment of prayer and reflection, followed by group work to define the expectations and profile of the new rector major, in light of the experience of the 2020–2024 term.

In the afternoon, each capitular will propose a name for the position of rector major. The committees will then synthesize the results and proceed with a secret vote to identify the main candidates. At 6:30 p.m. in the aula magna, the synthesis of expectations and profiles will be presented, followed by silent reflection and a preliminary vote. The day will conclude with the Rosary and Eucharistic adoration, led by the Association of Mary Help of Christians (ADMA).

Tuesday, March 25: Election of the 12th Rector Major

Tuesday will be the most significant day of the week, as the final voting for the new rector major will take place. After the Eucharist at 7:00 a.m., the capitulars will gather in prayer and silence, invoking the Holy Spirit before proceeding with the election.

Once elected, the new rector major will accept the position, make the profession of faith, and receive greetings from his confreres and the mother general of the FMAs. In the afternoon, attention will turn to the discernment process for the selection of the vicar of the rector major, through group discussions and personal reflections. The day will conclude with a Eucharistic adoration of thanksgiving.

Wednesday, March 26: Election of the Vicar of the Rector Major

The day will begin with Mass celebrated by the new rector major. After the presentation of the synthesis of expectations and profiles, the capitulars will proceed with the final vote for the vicar of the rector major. The vicar will accept the position, make the profession of faith, and sign the official acceptance.

In the afternoon, the committees will work on defining the expectations and profiles of the general councilors for formation and youth ministry, 2 pivotal roles for the future of the Congregation.

Thursday, March 27: Discernment for Communications, Missions, and the Treasurer General

The day will focus on the discernment and election of the general councilors for communications and the missions, and the treasurer general. Thru moments of prayer, discussions, and voting, the capitulars will reflect on the specific needs of these sectors, ensuring that the elected candidates are prepared to address the challenges of our time.

The day will conclude with Eucharistic adoration, maintaining the spirit of prayer and unity.

Friday, March 28: Election of Department Councilors

Friday will be dedicated to the election of the department councilors and the beginning of discernment for the regional councilors. As previously noted, this time 2 regional councilors will be appointed for Africa. The morning will begin with a presentation of the profiles and expectations for each role, followed by voting. Each election will be accompanied by the acceptance of the position by the elected candidates.

In the afternoon, the capitulars will work in regional committees to prepare for the final vote for the regional councilors, ensuring that the needs and perspectives of the different regions are represented.

Saturday, March 29: Election of Regional Councilors

The final day will begin with a summary of the profiles and expectations for the regional councilors, followed by the final vote in the aula magna. The new regional councilors will accept their positions and join the governing team of the Congregation.

The week will conclude with Solemn Vespers in the basilica at 7:00 p.m. and a festive dinner, celebrating the unity and renewal of the Salesian Family.

This week of elections represents a historic moment for the Salesian Congregation, during which the new leadership that will guide Don Bosco’s mission for the next 6 years will be defined. Under the spiritual guidance of Fr. Amedeo Cencini, the capitulars will experience a profound discernment process, seeking the inspiration of the Holy Spirit for every decision.

The Salesian world and the Salesian Family across the globe are united in prayer, spiritually supporting this moment of grace and asking for God’s blessing upon the newly elected leaders. Don Bosco’s mission continues, and this week marks the beginning of a new chapter of service to young people, especially the most vulnerable, with renewed enthusiasm and vision.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Homily for 3d Sunday of Lent

Homily for the
3d Sunday of Lent

March 23, 2025
Luke 13: 1-9
St. Francis Xavier, Bronx
Our Lady of the Assumption, Bronx

“If you don’t repent, you’ll all perish as they did” (Luke 13: 3, 5).

That’s rather emphatic, isn’t it?

We don’t know anything about the 2 events today’s gospel speaks of.  The 1st one, some sort of bloodshed instigated by Pontius Pilate, accords with what the Jewish historian Josephus tells us about 2 massacres at Pilate’s hands in Samaria and Jerusalem.[1]

Whatever these tragedies were, they were evidently on people’s minds as Jesus spoke, as we’re aware today of the more than 40 people who died as a result of tornadoes, fires, and auto pile-ups in last week’s severe weather, or the tens of thousands who are dying in Ukraine and Gaza.

Jesus uses the bloodshed and the accident to advise his listeners that the victims were no worse sinners than everyone else.  God wasn’t punishing them in particular for their sins.  Or to put it another way, everyone’s a sinner and everyone will “perish as they did” unless they repent of their sinful ways.

Jesus may have had in mind the political unrest in Roman-ruled Palestine.  The Jews were ever on the verge of rebellion, and when they did revolt in 66, Rome responded brutally with slaughter, enslavement, and the destruction of Jerusalem.  Had people listened to Jesus’ call to attend to God’s concerns, to living the commandments, to practicing charity toward one another, that national disaster would’ve been avoided.  “Unless you repent” of your sinful ways, he seems to be declaring, you’ll perish as Pilate’s victims did, and those killed by a collapsing tower.

“You’ll all perish”—that’s a warning to us, too.  Maybe not in a massacre or an accident, but we’re all going to die.  It’s been the Church’s practice since Jesus’ time that we should remember that inescapable fact.  Some of the saints had a custom that we’d consider bizarre of keeping a skull on their desks to remind them every day.  Many saints observed the slogan memento mori:  “remember death.”  So Jesus cautions us, not only in his dialog today but in several parables.  Make sure you’re in God’s grace, make sure you’re ready for the moment of your transition from here to hereafter.  If you haven’t repented of your sins, you will perish indeed, with the loss of your immortal soul and of eternal life.

But today’s gospel doesn’t stop there.  Jesus tells an encouraging parable, a parable that illustrates God’s patience with us.  The owner of the fig tree gives it a little more time to become fruitful.  In spite of how slowly we trail behind Christ on the road to heaven, in spite of our sins, God gives us time to change our ways, time to catch up with Jesus on the road.

St. Luke’s gospel is the gospel of Jesus’ mercy.  In Luke we read the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son (aka the “prodigal son”; Luke 15) and the tax collector in the temple who prayed for mercy (18:9-14); Luke tells us that Jesus cast 7 demons out of Mary Magdalene (8:2); Luke recounts the story of Zaccheus the tax collector who looked for Jesus and was saved (19:1-10); Luke reports Jesus’ promise of paradise to the criminal crucified alongside him (23:40-43).

So today’s gospel passage offers us hope of pleasing God yet by repentance and living according to God’s ways—of producing good fruit.  He cultivates us with the sacred Scriptures and the examples of the saints; he fertilizes our hearts with constant reminders that he loves us and desires our friendship.  This Lenten season, this season of repentance, reminds us to turn from our sinful inclinations, to listen to Jesus, and to act as disciples of Jesus.  Jesus’ road is the one that leads to eternal life, and he wants very much to accompany us on that road.

[1] Antiquities 18, 4, 1 and 18, 3, 2; Jewish War 2, 9, 4 (Penguin ed., p. 131).

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Spring Comes with a Universal Outlook at GC29

Spring at GC29: Global Dialog for a Universal Charism

(ANS – Turin -
March 22, 2025) – March 21 marked the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere and autumn in the southern hemisphere. At GC29 in Valdocco, this global perspective aligns harmoniously with the commitment to examine every expression of the Salesian world, present on all continents.

Every aspect of Salesian life is studied through the lens of “inculturation,” meaning its ability to adapt to current conditions and the traditions of different regions and territories. Chapter members are called to support and guide the various expressions of the Salesian charism, particularly as they are realized in local community activities. This process begins with the basic community, where confreres live and work together in a house.

Work in Progress: from Macro to Micro Dimensions

The work of March 21 began with a clear definition of the geographical boundaries of 2 new regions, created from the division of the current Africa Region. The new regions will be named “East and South Africa” and “Central and West Africa.” This restructuring led to further reflections, such as the minimum number of confreres required to sustain a Salesian house.

Balancing macro and micro perspectives, the 6 committees presented a series of observations and proposals to the assembly. Their goal is to design a structure that aligns with current needs and resources while ensuring the organization functions effectively.

Provinces and Central Relations: A Circular Dialog

The provinces were a major focus, as strengthening their operational capacity and fostering cooperation—both among themselves and with the central government—is essential. The discussion also examined the role and functionality of the “Curatoria” (boards of trustees) which are key centers for the formation of new Salesians. These centers are increasingly envisioned as collaborative spaces shared by different provinces.

Another key topic was the relationship with the Rector Major and the general councilors. This relationship is realized primarily thru visits, both extraordinary and general. These visits are seen as vital tools for maintaining the unity of the Congregation and promoting circular communication between the works spread across the world and the central leadership.

Several proposals were discussed, some of which will be transformed into motions to be submitted to the chapter as a whole. A major focus was placed on clarifying the objectives, timelines, and methods of the visits, with particular attention to tools for evaluating their effectiveness. The goal is to strengthen authentic “face-to-face” exchanges between central representatives and those directly involved in various activities.

Synodality and Concrete Impact

One essential theme that emerged was the need to increase organizational efforts within individual provinces. This would help prepare and foster authentic “synodality”—a sense of shared responsibility and collaboration. Ongoing reflections are focused on ensuring that visits lead to concrete and binding outcomes that influence daily activities. The goal is for the work of CG29 to have a tangible and lasting impact on Salesian life.

Roles and Functions: toward Greater Clarity

The chapter also addressed constitutional matters, focusing on the specific roles of department councilors, regional councilors, provincials, and vicars. The aim is to make these roles more explicit and standardized across different levels. To achieve this, the proposals outlined in the draft resolutions will undergo further review.

Particular attention was given to the composition of provincial councils, with the goal of better defining the roles of those responsible for youth ministry and formation.

Intense Collaboration for the Best Result

There is still significant work to be done to finalize the documents that will be “signed” by the chapter. But there is a strong spirit of collaboration in Valdocco. This collective effort is expected to result in the best possible outcome.

The first day of spring in Turin had an autumnal feel, symbolically reflecting the balance between the diverse climatic conditions of the confreres gathered from all over the world.

Friday, March 21, 2025

GC29 Strives to Identify Salesian Priorities

GC29: Identifying Priorities in Salesian Animation and Life

(ANS – Turin – March 21, 2025)
 – When numerous important reflections arise alongside the need to establish clear priorities, it can be helpful to pause and consider things from a different perspective. This was precisely the approach taken on Thursday, March 20, at GC29, where the chapter members focused on refining the document that will summarize the key themes of Core Topic 1: Animation and Care of the True Life of Each Salesian.

The representatives of the 6 committees presented their proposed modifications, each beginning by expressing appreciation for the synthesis work carried out by the drafting committee—an effort that continues even after the assembly hall lights are turned off and discussions in the committees come to a close.

The day unfolded with an atmosphere of deep reflection: the courtyards of Valdocco were filled with small groups engaged in fraternal dialog, while others gathered around tables for discussions, and many spent personal moments of prayer in the basilica, the Pinardi Chapel, and the Church of St. Francis de Sales. The goal was to determine the best way to express the insights developed in the various ”conversations in the Spirit” held so far.

The refinement of the first draft of the propositions—considering both the scope and the most effective style—became a process of listening and meditation, aimed at identifying the key points that should be emphasized in the final document. This text will serve as a guide for the Congregation’s next steps.

Fr. Cameroni

One of the inspirations that had already emerged in previous days found its culmination in the Good Night reflection entrusted to Fr. Pierluigi Cameroni, postulator general for the Salesian causes of saints. He emphasized the importance of drawing upon the testimony of those who have gone before us—the canonized saints, blesseds, the servants of God, and even the “masters” encountered along one’s personal formation journey.

It is in the lives of individuals that experiences, ideas, desires, and expectations come together in harmony. A truly fulfilled life is one that pleases the Father and is recognized by the People of God as a model of living out the Beatitudes proclaimed by Jesus.

“Our confreres who have fully lived, or continue to live, the evangelical project of the Constitutions,” Fr. Cameroni reminded, “serve as both an inspiration and an aid on our journey toward holiness.”

This testimony of holiness is realized in the Salesian mission itself: “From Don Bosco to the present day, we have witnessed a tradition of holiness that deserves attention, as it embodies the very charism that originated with him. This charism has been expressed in a rich diversity of vocations and forms of life.”

Thursday, March 20, 2025

GC29: Fraternal & Community Life

Progress on Fraternal and Community Life under St. Joseph’s Protection

Presenting the Sri Lanka Province to GC29

(ANS – Turin – March 20, 2025)
 – The solemnity of St. Joseph was celebrated with particular intensity during GC29. The participants turned to the patron of the Congregation, seeking his guidance and intercession for the successful outcome of the ongoing assembly in Valdocco.

At the beginning of the session, Fr. Stefano Martoglio reported on the decisions of the central committee, aimed at organizing the various inputs from the assembly in the most effective way and enhancing the work of the 6 committees. These committees, along with the editorial committee, focused on listening to and studying the theme: ”Animation and care for the true life of each Salesian.”

The discussions have resulted in:

·        106 propositions in the “listening” phase

·        92 propositions in the “interpretation” phase

·        156 propositions in the “decision-making” phase.

These numbers reflect both the complexity of the topics and the diversity of perspectives that emerged from the extensive “conversation in the Spirit” held in the previous days.

A Living Document in Progress

A 12-page draft document has been produced, providing a global overview of the current state of the Congregation, as well as specific proposals for strengthening its missionary capacity among young people. This document is still a working draft, open to corrections and improvements. The 9-member editorial committee encouraged chapter members to submit specific suggestions for refinement.

The analysis highlights how Salesians today live in societies marked by acceleration, efficiency-driven culture, and consumerism, which often lead to individualism. To counter these challenges, the Salesian community must recenter itself on the Eucharist, recognizing it as:

·        The core of the Salesian community,

·        A daily return to the deeper meaning of service,

·        The strongest safeguard against loss of commitment and fidelity.

This draft expresses an optimistic vision, reaffirming the fundamental purpose and mission of the Congregation.

Bro. Travis Gunther leads the chapter's morning prayer

Alongside the sacraments, prayer and lectio divina are seen as essential for:

·        Deepening awareness of one’s vocation,

·        Offering a critical, prophetic, and consistent interpretation of how to live out this vocation in today’s world.

Fraternity, Mission, and Mutual Support

True fraternal life is inseparable from a commitment to the poorest and most vulnerable young people. This mission demands a simple and consistent lifestyle, which in turn strengthens the spiritual and apostolic energy of the Salesian community. The document emphasizes that when this energy falters, there’s need for a renewed commitment to mutual charity, so that Salesians can support and encourage one another in their shared mission.

Don Bosco himself was well aware of human limitations, the challenges of relationships, and the weaknesses of young people in his oratories. Then, as now, it is essential to invoke the Holy Spirit, asking Him to shape hearts today just as He shaped the heart of Don Bosco.

This spiritual renewal will serve as the foundation for strengthening fraternal life within Salesian communities, ensuring that members truly care for one another. The Salesian vocation, formed through years of study and formation, must be continually nourished and sustained.

Final Discussions and Future Directions

As the day concluded, the assembly listened to and discussed the reports from the 6 committees, focusing on 2 key topics:

 The creation of 2 new regions in Africa.

 Fr. Joan Lluis Playà’s proposal regarding the role of the central delegate for the Salesian Family within the general chapter.

Finally, Fr. Pier Fausto Frisoli presented legal matters to be studied further in the upcoming week. The work at GC29 continues, with deep reflection and discernment guiding the future of the Salesian Congregation.

Homily for Thursday, 2d Week of Lent

Homily for Thursday
2d Week of Lent

March 20, 2025
Resp. Psalm
Christian Brothers, St. Joseph Residence, N.R.

“Blessed are they who hope in the Lord” (Responsory).

It’s a human tendency to rely on one’s own powers—of intellect, of charisma, of skill, or like the rich man in Jesus’ parable, on wealth and perhaps prestige.

Alphonsus Liguori had a promising legal career in his future until he unexpectedly lost a big case because he’d overlooked some small detail in the matter.  His career crashed.  So much for talent, intellect, and ambition.  He underwent a drastic conversion—not that he’d been irreligious or evil before that.  His perspective changed.  He put himself into God’s hands, which then allowed him to do tremendous good for the people of God, good that continues still thru his religious sons and has earned him lasting fame that a brilliant legal career never would’ve.

When we put our trust and our hope in the Lord, then we too “bear fruit in due season” (Ps 1:3).  We prayed earlier that God might direct our hearts—God, and not our pride, ambition, comfort, or any self-seeking or worldly concern—in order that our faith might be steadfast, and thus we might be “effective in works” (Collect).

You may think of yourself as retired.  But you still have work at hand—your work among your brothers, your ongoing contacts with your families, past students and colleagues, and the house staff.  How much good you can still do thru your prayer and your steadfast faith in the Lord Jesus!