Homily for Thursday after Ash Wednesday
March 6, 2025
Luke 9: 22-25
Deut 30: 15-20
Christian Brothers, St. Joseph’s Residence,
1st prediction of his passion, death, and resurrection (Luke 9:22) immediately
follows Peter’s recognition that Jesus is the Messiah.
In Luke’s Gospel, another prediction follows that: to be Jesus’ followers, we must bear his cross. In Jesus’ time, the cross wasn’t a religious symbol and didn’t conjure anything resembling salvation. It was an instrument of torture, shame, humiliation, and naked helplessness.
truth, everyone carries a metaphorical cross; everyone suffers in life and at
times is humbled and helpless. Jesus’
disciple bears the cross with a different perspective, not of “why me?”
meaninglessness but the perspective of being Jesus’ companion. As Jesus’ companions, we’re sure of the same
redemption he reached—the vindication of resurrection to eternal life.
the 1st reading, Moses instructs the Hebrews in the desert: “I have set before you life and death, the
blessing and the curse. Choose life,
then, … by loving the Lord, heeding his voice, and holding fast to him” (Deut 30:19-20). Choosing Jesus’ cross, his way of humility,
of patience in suffering, and of reliance on God rather than ourselves, is the
life-saving choice: “Whoever loses his
life for my sake will save it” (Luke 9:24).
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