Saturday, March 10, 2018

Sanctity in the Salesian Family

Sanctity in the Salesian Family

Saints Are the Best Witnesses of Don Bosco
in the World and in History

(ANS – Rome – February 7) – Fr. Pierluigi Cameroni, postulator general for the Causes of Saints of the Salesian Family, explains his peculiar mission thus:  “A cause of beatification is not an arid procedure, but a pilgrimage of faith in research, meditation, and imitation of the virtuous heroism of the saints.”

Fr. Cameroni recently published a dossier on the current state of Salesian sanctity, up to December 2017. It contains very interesting data on the witness of many men and women who followed Don Bosco on the path of holiness. It also presents an invitation for the whole Salesian Family to advance the causes that are in progress.

To date, the Salesian Family boasts 9 saints, 118 blesseds, 16 venerables, and 26 servants of God. Five causes are now being followed actively.

In this ample harvest of sanctity, it is possible to identify many various dimensions of holiness: youthful (Dominic Savio, Laura Vicuña, Ceferino Namuncurá), missionary (Maria Troncatti, Stephen Ferrando, Francis Convertini, Constantine Vendrame, Orestes Marengo, et al.), altruistic (Andrew Beltrami, August Czartoryski, Louis Variara, Eusebia Palomino, Alexandrina Maria da Costa, et al.), vocational (Stephen Sandor and the new blessed Titus Zeman), episcopal (Louis Versiglia, Louis Olivares, August Hlond, Octavio Ortiz Arrieta), and others, including Salesian soldiers and Salesian men and women of science.

Faced with the grace of many similar witnesses present in the Salesian Family, Fr. Cameroni invited all members of the various Salesian groups to do their part. “One thing that makes us think is that the last canonization of the Salesian Family promoted by our own postulation office is that of St. Dominic Savio (June 12, 1954), more than 63 years ago! The canonization of the martyrs St. Louis Versiglia and St. Callistus Caravario received dispensation from the miracle granted by Pope John Paul II. Responsible for the cause is not only the postulator, or some individual devotees. The ecclesial communities in the various components involved (dioceses, parishes, congregations, associations, groups, etc.) also need to express interest, enthusiasm, and participation.”

In order to cultivate and appropriately enhance this patrimony of holiness, the postulator announced the 2nd Seminar for the promotion of the causes of beatification and canonization in the Salesian Family, to be held April 10-14, 2018, in Rome.

The complete report on the sanctity of the Salesian Family is available, in various languages, on the site.

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