14th Sunday of Ordinary Time
July 3, 2016
Gal 6: 14-18
Holy Cross, Champaign, Ill.
Your humble
blogger has taken up his new pastoral assignment as assistant pastor of the
Salesian parish of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and director of the local
Salesian community. Here’s the homily from his first Sunday Mass at the parish. I don't have photos and artwork moved to the office computer yet--so just text here.
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The Crucifixion (Giotto) |
Paul continues with a blessing: “Peace and mercy be to all who follow this
rule and to the Israel of God” (6:16).
The rule that Paul means is the rule of grace, and the “Israel of God”
he means is the new Israel gathered and redeemed by the passover sacrifice of
Jesus Christ.
What is this grace that Paul refers to
repeatedly? The basic term means a
freely given gift, something you don’t earn or deserve—a Christmas bonus (which
many of you may have received); a gubernatorial pardon (which I hope none of
you has needed); a “grace period” for a late car payment. For us disciples of Jesus, grace is God’s
gift of forgiveness, of mercy, of restoration to a healthy relationship with
God. Grace makes us God’s children,
heirs along with Jesus of the kingdom of God.
How does God’s grace come to us? Not thru anything we’ve done or can do. As Paul insists over and over again in
Galatians and other letters, it doesn’t come to us because we obey the Law—the
10 Commandments and all the other regulations of the Torah, including the rule
of circumcision, by which Jewish males entered the covenant that God made with
Abraham and his descendants. No; God’s
grace, his free gift of pardon for our sins, his call to enter a new covenant
relationship with him, comes thru “the cross of OLJC.” Jesus announced that new covenant at the Last
Supper in words that we repeat at every celebration of the Eucharist: “This is the new covenant in my blood, which
is shed for you and for many.”
Paul’s saying this evening that the cross of Jesus
is our only cause for boasting. It’s
thru the cross of Jesus—which means the entire passion, death, and resurrection
of Jesus—that we’re saved, restored to a good relationship with God, made
brothers and sisters of Christ and with him heirs of the heavenly kingdom.
Paul preached that the grace of God in Christ is available
to every human being. A couple of
Sundays ago, we heard that in Christ there’s no distinction between Jew and
Gentile, male and female, slave and free person (3:28). All are made participants in the new Israel
of God by Baptism and Eucharist, by sharing in the paschal mystery of Christ’s
cross and resurrection.
That kind of preaching made enemies for Paul. So he says, “I bear the marks of Jesus on my
body” (6:17), meaning he’s been beaten and scourged and chained for preaching
the Gospel. One of the results of
original sin is that we humans tend to want to make distinctions between us and
them, to exclude certain other people whom we want to regard as inferior to
ourselves. So people fight wars over
nationality, religion, and race; attempt to exterminate ethnic groups; enslave
certain groups; or legislate against foreigners or different classes of
people. As individuals, we criticize
others and gossip about them as if we were superior to them—a grave sin that
Pope Francis speaks against over and over.
Such an attitude of exclusion, or of regarding
oneself or one’s “group” as superior, is part of what Paul refers to today as
“the world.” His acceptance of the
Gospel of JC has crucified him to the world, alienated him from the world,
i.e., from the sinful tendencies and attitudes of the human race. We could include among such attitudes—as
Jesus does in some passages of the Gospels and Paul in parts of his letters—the
love for power or pleasure or money.
It’s Paul who tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil (1
Tim 6:10) and also observes that those who make a god of their bellies—the
pursuit of sensual pleasure—will end in shame and destruction (Phil 3:19).
On this weekend we proudly proclaim our American
heritage; we boast of our freedoms and, I hope, of how much God has blessed our
country. We may at other times boast of
our ethnic heritage—being Irish, German, Italian, Hispanic, African, etc. We may feel inclined to boast of our
education, our talents or accomplishments (like some politicians and
businessmen), our wealth, our physical strength or beauty. And we know in our hearts that none of that
lasts. In the light of eternity, there’s
only one reason to boast: that God, for
his own reasons, has chosen to love us and demonstrated that love for us thru
the death and resurrection of OLJC. Like
Pope Francis, we can say with grateful joy, we’re sinners whom God loves and
forgives. We respond to God’s love and mercy
with gratitude for his gift of grace—a presidential pardon, as it were—a gratitude
that appreciates also God’s gifts to everyone, a gratitude that leads us always
to combat our sinful attitudes and behaviors and to live like sisters and
brothers of Jesus.
“The grace of OLJC be with your spirit, brothers
and sisters. Amen.” (6:18).
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