
Thursday, December 7, 2023

Homily for Wednesday, Advent Week 1

Homily for Wednesday
Week 1 of Advent

Dec. 6, 2023
Collect & Lectionary
Salesian HS, New Rochelle, N.Y.

Our readings and our prayer this morning address a topic of universal concern:  food.

Isaiah, in God’s name, promises “a feast of rich food and choice wines” on God’s mountain (25:6)—which means the holy city, Jerusalem, which is built on a high hill.  In the psalm we’re promised a table spread before us and an overflowing cup (23:5).  In the gospel Jesus miraculously feeds a hungry crowd (Matt 15:32-37).  The prayer of the Mass asked that God find us “worthy of the banquet of eternal life” when Christ comes—meaning his 2d coming and the last judgment—and that we be granted “heavenly nourishment from his hands.”

Hours of the Duc du Berry
Hours of the Duc du Berry

In a world in which so many people lack sufficient food, go hungry, even starve, God reveals his intention that everyone be fed—certainly in eternal life, but even now in this life.  That’s why we have a food drive.  As Jesus needed his disciples to come up with 7 loaves “and a few fish” (15:34) that he could us to feed the crowd, so do we have a responsibility to do what we can as individuals, as a school, as a society to meet people’s needs.

The Lord follows us with goodness and kindness “all the days of my life” (Ps 23:6).  Sharing his goodness and kindness makes us “worthy of the banquet of eternal life” when Christ comes (Collect).

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