
Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Fr. Renato Ziggiotti's Annual Strenne

Fr. Renato Ziggiotti’s Annual Strenne

(ANS– Rome – Dec. 19, 2023)
 – Fr. Renato Ziggiotti led the Salesian from 1952 to 1965, elected to this mission by the 17th General Chapter in the history of the Congregation founded by Don Bosco. He was the first Rector Major not to have met Don Bosco directly – although he made his first vows before Fr. Rua, the founder’s first heir.

During his term of office, the Congregation had to face great challenges, but it also reached important goals. As Rector Major he worked with all his might for the unity of the Congregation and its spiritual and material reconstruction, which the Second World War and other wars in various parts of the world had affected.

At the same time, he was able to see with satisfaction the construction of the basilica of St. John Bosco in Rome and the shrine of Don Bosco at Colle Don Bosco, and he managed to bring the Pontifical Salesian University of Turin to Rome. Under his leadership, moreover, the Congregation’s expansion and spread throughout the world reached its zenith, at least until today.

Fr. Ziggiotti personally took part in the first three sessions of Vatican II (1962-1964) and developed the process undertaken by Fr. Rinaldi, becoming the first Rector Major to personally meet all the Salesians scattered throughout the world.

He was also the first Rector Major emeritus: in 1965, during the 19th General Chapter, given his age and the new direction that the Congregation had to take after the Council, after 13 years of governance of the Congregation, he humbly resigned to pass the baton to others, and quietly stepped aside. He spent the last years of his life in prayer, reflection, and pastoral service, first at Colle Don Bosco as rector of the church, then at Albarè di Costernano in the Veneto, where he was born.

For Fr. Ziggiotti too, as for his predecessors, the strenna was “a thought,” “an appropriate recommendation.” And for him too the strenne referred to the tradition of Don Bosco and his successors; but the need to adapt them to the times was more evident.

Like those of his predecessors, Fr. Ziggiotti’s strenne were brief, simple, easily remembered, and very practical. Going back to former times, in several cases there was more than one, that is, there were several strenne per year, dedicated to the different Salesian groups.

It has been said of Fr. Ziggiotti: “He lived for God, he lived for the Church, he lived for our Lady and Don Bosco. Consequently, he lived for his confreres and their mission.” And his strenne are a testament to these characteristics. The first one, in 1953, was dedicated to the Eucharist; the last one, in 1965, reminded the Salesians of Don Bosco’s three loves: love for the Eucharist, Mary Help of Christians, and the Pope. And the same themes recur several times in his 13 strenne, all now preserved in the Acts of the Superior Chapter.

Other strenne, as mentioned, were linked to the times, to events of the Church and the Congregation: such as some significant anniversaries (centennial of the death of St. Dominic Savio or of the presentation of the Constitutions or the apparitions at Lourdes), or other events of worldwide relevance (above all, the ecumenical council).

Finally, among the recurring themes, returning to the most genuine expressions of Don Bosco, there are references to useful tools for Christian life and personal sanctification, especially in the messages addressed to young people, past pupils, and Salesian Cooperators.

Below are the strenne bequeathed to us by Fr. Renato Ziggiotti:

1953: “Let us all live always in the heart and spirit of St. John Bosco, cultivating faith and love for Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.”

1954: “Let us all live always in the spirit, in the heart, and in the angelic purity of Mary Immaculate Help of Christians.”

1955: “St. Dominic Savio points out the path of virtue to our young people; this reminds parents and educators of the wise pedagogy of St. John Bosco.”

1956: “Let educators, students, past pupils, and Salesian Cooperators give the utmost importance to religious education, support of the faith, and safe guidance in Christian life.”

1957: To young people and Cooperators. “On the centennial of the death of St. Dominic Savio, may he be a model to all of firmness of character and fidelity in the fulfillment of our duties toward God and our neighbor.”

- To the Salesians. “Let us look to the Venerable Fr. Rua to imitate his wonderful life of union with God, of intense work, and of attachment to the Rule and Don Bosco.”

1958: “On the centennial of the apparition of the Immaculate Conception in Lourdes, let us honor the Blessed Virgin with the devout recitation of the Holy Rosary.”

1959: To the Salesians: “On the centennial of the presentation of the Constitutions to the Supreme Pontiff Pius IX, our Holy Founder recommends their exact observance and, in particular, fidelity to meditation in common and the monthly rendiconto.”

- To young people, Cooperators, and past pupils. “Holy Mass is the most perfect prayer of the Christian. Let us learn to take part in it with greater faith, devotion, and spiritual profit.”

1960: To the Salesians: “Let us protect morality with angelic modesty, regular, fatherly, and patient assistance, with sacramental and Marian piety.”

- For the young people. “Servite Domino in laetitia. Be joyful without ever offending the Lord.”

- To past pupils and Cooperators. “In the family and in society let us work together so that amusement is upright and healthy.”

1961: “Let us say the Hail Mary for peace at home every day. Pax Domini sit semper nobiscum. Peace be with us.”

1962: “Let us swear allegiance to the program that Don Bosco left us.”

- To the Salesians. “Oboedientia et pax.”

- To the students. “Let us direct our pupils to the star in our firmament. Let them make the sacraments a campaign: Jesus source of grace and Mary the channel that transmits it to us; Jesus perennial light and Mary the star that guides our way; Jesus the fire that burns our miseries and Mary all beautiful, all holy, immaculate radiance of holiness.”

- To the third Salesian Family. “To the third Family of Salesians in the world, we point to the heart afire and launch them into the apostolate of good example and in the defense of the Faith.”

1963: Credo unam, sanctam, catholicam, et apostolicam Ecclesiam.”

1964: Dream of the Diamonds. “Pia Salesianorum Societas qualis esse debet.” “Live the life of the universal Church in our Family, in humility of spirit, in holiness of life, and in zeal of apostolate.”

1965: “On the 150th anniversary of the birth of St. John Bosco, 1815-1965, let us cultivate in ourselves and spread among our students and faithful the devotions dear to Don Bosco: the Eucharist, Mary Help of Christians, and the Pope, and in a particular way the Eucharist.”

- To young people: “Character education.”

- To Cooperators and past pupils: “Education of children in the family.”

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