
Saturday, December 16, 2023

Fr. Michael Rua's Annual Strenne

Fr. Michael Rua’s Annual Strenne

(ANS – Rome – Dec. 14, 2023)
 – Much has already been written about Blessed Michael Rua and his fidelity to Don Bosco: from the famous episode in which he told him “we will do everything by halves,” to the definition that Paul VI gave of him in the homily at the Mass for his beatification: “Fr. Rua was very faithful, therefore the humblest and at the same time the most valuable son of Don Bosco”; and then the fact that he was called the “living rule.” In fact,  Fr. Rua did what he did in his long term of office at the service of the Salesian Congregation within the context of the strenna: he maintained, carried on, and consolidated the work started by the Founder.

When he succeeded Don Bosco in the leadership and government of the Salesian Society in 1888, Salesian houses had already increased and spread throughout the world; so he gave the strenna in person to the young people at the Oratory in Valdocco, while sending athe message by mail to the different Salesian works, giving a mandate to the respective directors to read it on his behalf at the end of the year.

With the increase in works and consolidation of the Congregation, the personal strenna that Don Bosco gave individually to the boys disappeared: but still, in most cases there was no single form, since the preference was to give one strenna to the Salesians and one to the young people.

18 of them remain from the 22 years of Fr. Rua’s term of office, plus one that is doubtful (in 1892, taken from the Salesian Bulletin of the time).

Following the path of the Founder in everything that concerned the strenna (attitude, expectation, meaning, value), Fr. Rua remained faithful even in the topics most often addressed: the Eucharist, confession, our Lady, etc., in addition to devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, very much a theme of what he published. And, of course, those especially dedicated to Don Bosco could not be missing, either.

As for strenne addressed exclusively to the Salesians, reference to the means for a good Salesian life prevails, such as studies and reading, or the observance of the rules and one’s duties to sanctify oneself.

Finally, in terms of structure, Fr. Rua’s strenne are characterized by being rather brief and sometimes even set out as the briefest of prayers.

Here, then, are the strenna messages offered by Fr. Rua:

1890: “Literary studies.” Circular Letter no. 4, Dec. 27, 1889. “Take this letter as my strenna for 1890.” (Study of Latin classics. Italian authors. On ways of teaching).

1892: For the jubilee of Don Bosco’s works – that is, “the Catholic Readings of Turin.” “This would certainly be one of the dearest and most pleasing strenne that could be given for the venerable memory of Don Bosco, in the happy and favorable circumstance of the first glorious jubilee of the institution of his works.

1894: “To all provincials and directors: a holy solicitude to respond to the monthly circulars promptly and precisely. Also recommended: 1. That the directors, where they can, give a conference to the Salesian Cooperators on the occasion of the feast of St. Francis de Sales. 2. We recommend our pupils subscribe to the Catholic Readings. 3. Have the Salesian Bulletin read in public every month and strive to procure new zealous Cooperators.”

1895: “To all the Salesians: Estote ergo perfecti, sicut et Pater vester coelestis perfectus est; - commenting that the greater our commitment to reach perfection, the greater will be the help from God, according to those other words of our Divine Savior: Beati qui esuriunt et sitiunt justitiam, quoniam ipsi saturabuntur.

1896: - To the Salesians: “Dum tempus habemus, operemur bonum. In every circumstance let us seek what we can do well, and let us do it willingly and generously for the love of the Lord.”

- To the young people: ”Estete parati, quia qua hora non putatis, Filius hominis veniet; therefore, study to keep yourself in the grace of God every day, frequently turning to the Blessed Sacrament, the source of grace.”

1897: - To the Salesians: “The Lord tells us: Deliciae meae esse cum filius hominis; and he proves it to us in the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist. In turn, we correspond with the liveliest devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, and zealously propagate it in others.”

- To young people and their families: “Go to confession weekly, or at least every fortnight, and receive Communion in accordance with your confessor’s advice.”

1898: To all members: “For the love of Jesus, exactness in all your duties of piety and occupations.”

1899: To all: “A special and fervent solicitude to atone to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus for the offenses and outrages received during this century.”

1900: - To the Salesians: “1. Repay Jesus, the victim of his love for us, with keen gratitude, especially by sacrificing our will, through the exercise of willing and cheerful obedience. 2. Console our heavenly Patroness Mary Help of Christians by diligently cultivating the beautiful lily of purity.”

- To the pupils: “1. Solemnize the first Friday of each month with special devotion in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 2. Ask Mary Help of Christians for the grace to lead a virtuous life, so that it will be followed by a good death in the new century.”

1901: “After having consecrated ourselves to the Heart of Jesus, it must be our constant endeavor to live and occupy ourselves in such a way as to always please that most lovable Heart. - Every morning we will say: ‘O Mary Help of Christians, help me so that on this day I do not displease the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.’”

1902: “Charitas Christi Urgeat Nos: let us strive to imitate the two examples that the Lord gave us, St. Francis de Sales and our good Father Don Bosco. - In every difficulty let us remember that we have a most tender and powerful Mother in Mary Help of Christians.”

1903: To the Salesians: “The observance of the Rules and the virtue of humility, which must be the foundation of all perfection: Deus superbis resistit, humilibus autem dat gratiam.

- “For everyone, joy (Servite Domino in laetitia), reminding everyone that true joy comes from the integrity of the soul and from union with God.”

1904: “For all Salesians, students, and families, in this jubilee year of the definition of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, instill a tender devotion to Mary Help of Christians with the firm intention of avoiding, in honor of her, not only serious shortcomings, but also deliberate little faults.”

1905: - To the Salesians: “Zeal in propagating devotion to the Immaculate Virgin Help of Christians,” and “as a practice in honor of our Lady, fraternal charity.”

- To the pupils and those who live in our houses: “As soon as you wake up and in the evening as soon as you lie down, kiss the medal, or scapular, saying the brief prayer: ‘Blessed be the Holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God.’”

1906: “Great diligence in making a good confession, arousing keen repentance for your sins. - In the morning as soon as you wake up, say  ‘Sweet Heart of my Jesus, I do not want to offend you anymore.’”

1907: “Frequent Communion with due preparation and convenient thanksgiving, never shorter than a quarter of an hour; - In the morning as soon as you wake up say, ‘Sweet Heart of my Jesus, make me love you more and more.’”

1908: To all: “Practice the virtue of humility, the foundation of our perfection with the prayer, ‘Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like yours.’”

- To the Salesians: “In deference to the decree of Venerable attributed to our dear Father, let us add, ‘the study and practice of the preventive system, which he so urged.’”

1909: “Fili, conserva tempus, et tempus conservabit te. Prayer: Jesus in my mind, Jesus in my mouth, Jesus in my heart.”

- To the Salesians he adds: “Undique captare profectum.”

1910: - To the Salesians: “Exactness in obedience; generosity towards the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, willingly working and suffering for Him.”

- To the young people: “Charity among them; avoid complaining and bad language.”

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