
Saturday, September 10, 2022

Salesian Congregation's Position Paper on Integral Ecology

Salesian Congregation’s Position Paper on Integral Ecology

(ANS – Rome – September 7, 2022) 
On the occasion of the Season of Creation 2022, the period from September 1 to October 4 dedicated to the care of creation, we are pleased to share with you the Salesian Congregation’s Position Paper on Integral Ecology. You will find it at this link in 5 languages.

It is a document prepared by the Salesian Youth Ministry Department and a group of experts. The Youth Pastoral Department takes as one of its objectives the animation of this aspect in the Congregation. It is a reflection which on the one hand sanctions the position of the Salesians of Don Bosco within the path traced out by the Catholic Church, and on the other hand offers all Salesian provinces concrete tools to implement ecological conversion together.

Introducing the document is Emanuela Chiang of the Youth Ministry Department-Integral Ecology:

“We propose that you also review the video of the Rector Major inviting the whole Salesian Family to join in this journey, and I invite you to organize moments of reflection based on these two instruments (video and positioning) with your community around these themes:

Italian - Spanish - English - French - Portuguese

As a province / community / school-CFP / group of animators / youth center / parish /...

1. have we already begun our journey of ecological conversion?

2. how do we plan to take it forward in our programming?

3. how can we involve the different realities that revolve around our community in this journey so that it is synodal?

To share your reflections, questions, proposals, please write to: 

If, on the other hand, you have already started your journey, I invite you to share one or two high-definition photos of the initiatives you are carrying out at this time, with a brief explanation: the best photos will be published on the Facebook and Instagram page of the Youth Ministry Department, and the five best photos will be the subject of a publication.

Please send your photos by October 4 to: 

Thank you very much for your collaboration and your commitment to the care of our common home. Happy Season of Creation.

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