
Friday, June 17, 2022

Homily for Friday, Week 11 of Ordinary Time

Homily for Friday
11th Week of Ordinary Time

June 17, 2022
Matt 6: 19-23
2 Kings 11:1-4, 9-18, 20
Salesian HS, New Rochelle, N.Y.

“Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth’” (Matt 6: 19).

In the 1st reading the Scriptures show us the example of a wicked queen who sought earthly treasure, or at least power, to the point of murdering the entire royal family except for one child who was hidden.  History provides many such examples, right up to today, of rulers, business people, and others who pursue wealth, power, or some other objective at any cost, causing immense personal and social destruction—e.g., thru violence or environmental devastation.

The Sermon on the Mount (Cosimo Rosselli)

Christ teaches us something different.  He reminds us that earthly wealth, as well as power, pleasure, and fame, is fragile, temporary, passing.  It might be lost or stolen or disappear at any time.  Power can be taken away.  Money can be robbed or lost thru bad investments.  Beauty and strength fade with time.

What remains?  What can we really count on?  Jesus speaks of “treasures in heaven,” and he says these treasures can be “stored up” (Matt 6:20).  These are all the acts of love we’ve carried out—he speaks of our hearts (6:21)—all the loving words we’ve spoken, all the prayers we’ve offered, all the sacrifices we’ve made on behalf of Christ.

All our faithfulness to Jesus our Savior he counts in our favor, little treasures he puts to our heavenly account—so that when we pass from this world into eternity and leave behind all that the world thinks is important, Jesus will greet us at his door:  “Well done, good and faithful servant.  Come and share your lord’s joy” (Matt 25:21).  If we’ve given Jesus our heart on earth, his heart will be ours forever.

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