
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Homily for Wednesday, 34th Week of Ordinary Time

Homily for Wednesday
34th Week of Ordinary Time

Nov. 24, 2021
Dan 5: 1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28
Intended for Ursulines, Willow Dr., New Rochelle, N.Y.

(source unknown)

“I have heard that the Spirit of God is in you” (Dan 5: 14).

One of the themes of the Book of Daniel is that wisdom comes from God.  Thus on several occasions—like yesterday’s 1st reading—Daniel, faithful servant of the true God, is able to interpret mysteries that the wise men of Babylon cannot.  If we want to interpret our lives rightly, we must interpret them in the light of God’s word, in the light of Jesus Christ, in the light of the authentic charism of our religious family.

We speak of “reading the handwriting on the wall,” meaning seeing some unfortunate event impending.  We don’t need divine handwriting to know, as Daniel says, that our life breath is in God’s hands and our lives ought to glorify him (5:23).

Jesus has told us that the hairs of our heads are numbered (Luke 12:7), which is probably more serious than the numbering of Belshazzar’s kingdom and its weighing (Dan 5:26-27).  Our lives may not be weighty as human beings measure them.  All that matters is that God counts them valuable, so valuable that “not a hair on our heads will be destroyed, and by our perseverance we secure our lives” (Luke 21:18-19)—or, more precisely, God secures them.  In truth, we count on it!


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