
Thursday, November 18, 2021

Homily for Thursday, 33d Week of Ordinary Time

Homily for Thursday
33d Week of Ordinary Time

Nov. 18, 2021
1 Macc 2: 15-29
Christian Brothers, St. Joseph Residence, New Rochelle, N.Y.

“God forbid that we should forsake the law and the commandments” (1 Macc 2: 21).

Persecution of the Jews by the Greeks (Wojciech Stattler)

As we’ve been hearing this week, King Antiochus of Syria was trying to impose on Israel a completely Greek culture, including Greek polytheism and worship.  Some of the Jews resisted to the point of rebellion and civil war in defense of their traditions and religion.

In our own time, similar efforts are being made thruout Western culture to impose a pagan religion, which some might call “progressivism”; in the U.S. we also have to face “woke” culture.  Political, media, entertainment, and academic elites lay this upon us.  (In other countries, there are different but always non-Christian impositions.)  Their secular religion doesn’t worship Zeus or Athena or whatever gods Antiochus favored, but the gods of wealth, nationalism, ethnocentrism, libertinism, abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, and the stifling of dissenting opinions.

Lately I’ve read of a new college being founded that will stress the free exchange of ideas, unlike many of our most elite universities, where only politically correct opinions are permitted.[1]

We’re not called to arms like Mattathias and his sons in their revolt against Antiochus.  We are called to stand fast for truth.  In next Sunday’s gospel, we’ll hear Jesus tell Pilate:  “For this I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth.  Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice” (John 18:37).

I read a news story this morning about a public school student in New Hampshire who’s been suspended because in a private conversation off campus he asserted that there are only 2 genders.[2]  He’s fighting back like the Maccabees, but with a lawsuit.

Wherever, however we can, we must defend the truth:  God is the lord of creation, every human being has inborn dignity, and every human being is called to a life of integrity and to chastity.  (How much trouble could the Church have avoided in the last 50 years thru faithful lives of chastity!)  The goods of the earth belong to everyone, and not only to the 1%, and they must be shared.

Some of this is decidedly not politically correct.  But it does represent zeal for the law and the covenant, zeal for our Lord Jesus Christ.

     [1] Anemona Hartocollis, “They Say Colleges Are Censorious. So They Are Starting a New One.”

     [2] CNA Staff, “Catholic teenager suspended for saying there are only two genders sues school district,” 11/18/21:

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