Thursday, May 2, 2019

Homily for Thursday, Week 2 of Easter

Homily for Thursday
2d Week of Easter

May 2, 2019
Acts 5: 27-33
Nativity, Washington, D.C.

“We are witnesses of these things, as is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him” (Acts 5: 32).

St. Peter before the Sanhedrin (artist unknown)
Being witnesses and giving testimony is a theme in today’s readings.  Jesus is the witness of God’s love for human beings and of his fidelity to the covenants he made with Abraham and Moses (cf. John 3:32).  The apostles bear witness to God’s new covenant with humanity made thru the death and resurrection of Jesus and confirmed by the gift of the Holy Spirit to the disciples (Acts 5:30-31).

To be witnesses and give testimony that Jesus is risen and lives both in heaven and in our souls is our task now, as it was the task of Peter, John, and the others.  We too have been given the Holy Spirit to assist us—at our Baptism, at our Confirmation, and ever on call when we ask him to assist.  Many Christians pray daily, “Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in them the fire of your love.”

We too are on trial, tho not in a law court.  We’re on trial before our families, friends, colleagues, fellow parishioners, the people we work with.  If we’re joyful, if we’re truthful, if we speak kindly of and to others, if we pray daily, if we confess our sins every month—we give witness to our faith in Jesus, who has been raised to life, who lives in us, and in whom we hope to live forever with God his Father (cf. John 3:36).

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