
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Mike Blanco Workshop Blessed at Provincial House

Mike Blanco Workshop Blessed
at Provincial House

A new workshop for the maintenance needs of the provincial house was dedicated on Friday evening, December 26, in memory of Mike Blanco, whose generosity made it possible. Mike, Fr. John Blanco’s brother, died last April. Fr. Steve Dumais led the liturgical blessing rite, assisted by most of the confreres of the community.

Fr. John speaking about his late brother's service
during WWII, life as a Salesian brother for some time, marriage, and continued love for the SDBs
The room seems originally to have been the coal cellar of John Stephenson's mansion, then (I’ve heard) became a Salesian wine cellar. When I came here in 1986, it was maintenance man Ed Amori’s workshop. But when the house no longer kept a permanent maintenance man, early in the new millennium, it became something of a junk room. Now, thanks to Mike Blanco—and to William Diaz and Fr. John, who did the renovations—it’s a beautiful workroom, more elegant, and more useful, than ever.

Mr. Diaz's crew laying a new floor in the workshop-to-be
Two views of the finished workshop
Fr. Steve blessing the shop

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