
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Nine SDBs Renew Their Vows

Nine SDBs Renew Their Vows

The New Rochelle Province was blessed on August 15, the solemnity of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, by the renewal of profession of nine young confreres. They renewed their vows of obedience, poverty, and chastity during Mass in the chapel of the Don Bosco Retreat Center at Haverstraw, N.Y., where they were on their annual retreat with about 25 other Salesians and the newly commissioned Salesian Lay Missioners (see ). Fr. Tom Dunne, provincial, presided at the Mass, received their vows, and preached.

Part of the congregation of SLMs and SDBs at
Assumption-profession Mass on Aug. 15
Bros. Lenny Carlino, Eddy Chincha, Steve DeMaio, Steve Eguino, Travis Gunther, John Langan, Craig Spence, and Dieunel Victor renewed vows for one year. Bro. Adam Dupré renewed for three years. (In recent years, it is the practice that SDBs make annual vows for their first 3 years of profession, then one profession of triennial vows before perpetual profession. It’s not uncommon, however, for a confrere to extend his temporary profession by a year or 2 before making perpetual, or final, vows.)

Bro. Steve Eguino reading at Mass
Fr. Tom’s homily linked the Virgin Mary to profession. The reading from Revelation (11:19; 12:1-6,10)  reveals that Mary is integral for the grace of salvation of all people because God sent his Son through a woman. Mary was invited to a special relationship with God: as mother and as participant in the plan of salvation. She said “yes” and responded with her Magnificat (Luke 1:39-56), attributing everything to God and placing herself as his servant. She entered a relationship of intimate union with God. Her relationship with her cousin Elizabeth was one of tender charity and great service. She exemplifies the mysticism, community, and service to which the Salesian is called.

Fr. Tom also pointed to Mary’s role as Don Bosco’s guide and support, given to him in his first dream when he was bewildered by the command to turn wild animals into gentle lambs. Mary became their shepherdess. She fills the same roles of guide, support, and shepherdess for Salesians. She is also an example of evangelization and reaching out to the poor.

From the left: Bros. Steve DeMaio, Travis Gunther, Adam Dupre,
Steve Eguino (in back), and Lenny Carlino; Fr. Tom Dunne;
Bros. Craig Spence, Eddy Chincha, Dieunel Victor, and John Langan

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