Model of the Humanism of Don Bosco
and Every Salesian
At Salesian HQ in Rome this a.m., Fr. Pascual Chavez, Rector Major, preached on St. Francis de Sales as a model for all Salesians. This report comes from ANS.

On the feast of St. Francis de Sales, patron of the Salesian Society and the entire Salesian Family, the Rector Major presided at Mass in the Generalate’s church. In his homily Fr. Chavez recalled the person and the qualities of the “learned humanist, great spiritual director, and generous pastor” who inspired Don Bosco and his humanism, with a reflection on the source of the Salesian charism. He presented him as “a model of pastoral zeal, of loving kindness, of trusting humanism, and of holy enterprise.”
In spite of changed times, historically and culturally, St. Francis de Sales “was and continues to be a sound master of the spiritual life, rich in a wisdom that comes from on high. He was all things to all men in his pastoral charity, engaged in ‘restoring unity among believers in charity and peace.’”
For Salesians, Don Bosco’s successor said, “celebrating the feast of St. Francis is an invitation to work in all situations of life with that kind, patient, and active love, so as to fill with a Christian spirit all ecclesial, social, political, economic, and cultural structures to make them more human.”
Fr. Chavez pointed out the great determination that St. Francis showed in following his vocation and his great devotion as a pastor. “Through his manifold activities he educated the Christian people and showed them that holiness was achievable in any and every state of life and that holiness gives rise to different forms of spirituality.”
In spite of his untiring activity, the bishop of Geneva found time for a voluminous correspondence and for writing masterful books of spiritual guidance: The Introduction to the Devout Life, the Treatise on the Love of God, the Spiritual Conferences, and much more.
For Salesians Fr. Chavez said, St. Francis de Sales is a model on which to base oneself for good manners, kindness, and meekness with everyone. Quoting article 17 of the Salesian Constitutions, the Rector Major recalled how the Salesian “believes in man's natural and supernatural resources without losing sight of his weakness. He is able to make his own what is good in the world and does not bewail his own times; he accepts all that is good, especially if it appeals to the young. Because he is a herald of the Good News he is always cheerful. He radiates this joy and is able to educate to a Christian and festive way of life: ‘Let us serve the Lord in holy joy.’”
St. Francis de Sales is a person to be rediscovered and appreciated, especially in this first year of the three-year period of preparation for the bicentennial of Don Bosco’s birth. “Let us ask from the Lord the grace to discover and make our own the great virtues of St. Francis de Sales, those which led our Father to choose him as his and our model,” the Rector Major said.
The full text of the homily, available only in Italian, can be found at
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