
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Kevin and Katelyn Get Married

Kevin & Katelyn Get Married
On Sept. 24 I had the privilege of celebrating a Nuptial Mass for my young friend Kevin Moore--who was my altar boy at Holy Cross Church in Fairfield, Conn., back in the late '80s and early '90s--and his lovely lady Katelyn Hayes from Spring Lake, N.J.

The wedding took place in the museum-like church of St. Catharine in Spring Lake.

The church, built early in the 20th century by a wealthy couple from Philadelphia in memory of their deceased daughter, is designed like an Italian basilica and is really a work of art--as is its setting right on Spring Lake.

Among the art inside is a set of paintings of the sacraments. Since we were doing a wedding, I'll show you the one of marriage:

For additional pix of the interior and exterior of the church, as well as some of the town and of the wedding principals, go to

As for our wedding, the celebrants were...the couple of course, as Catholic theology teaches. The Church's official witness was the groom's father, Deacon Kevin Moore. Deacon Kevin also gave the homily, delightfully recalling some scenes from his son's life and linking them--and the solemnly happy occasion--to the readings that the couple had chosen.

Gentle reader (as Miss Manners would say), in your kindness offer a prayer for Kevin and Katelyn that their marriage may be long and happy!


  1. The wedding painting - do you know what is the name of the painting? Thanks!

  2. What is the name of the wedding painting in the church? Thanks!

  3. The painting is one of a series of the seven sacraments in St. Catherine's Church. I don't know that there's a particular title for it beyond the sacrament that it illustrates, Holy Matrimony. I think you can see most of the other paintings at the link I provide in the post. (Fr. Mike)
