Monday, July 25, 2011

We Don't Fight in the Back Seat Any More!

And We Don't Fight
in the Back Seat Any More!
Your humble blogger, brother Chris, sister Rita

Any parent who's every transported 2 or more siblings by car for any great distance knows the routine. Start arguing, whining, or poking each other after 10 minutes or so....

Imagine family vacations before the age of the Interstate, when everything was so much further away, at least in terms of hours needed to get there.

3 Mendl kids weren't any different on those 1950s 3-day drives from Tampa to Long Island to visit family, and back.

The family get-togethers are much more serene these days. Even Rita's kids have stopped the squabbling--pretty much.

We got together last weekend to help Rita celebrate a milestone birthday.

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