Fr. Manuel "Manny" Gallo, SDB, was ordained a priest (presbyter) on Saturday, Aug. 21, by Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez, SDB, archbishop of Tegucigalpa.
1. He's done at least 2 ordinations for us previously (1992 and 2001, that I can recall), so there's an established relationship.
2. Fr. Manny was born in Tegucigalpa!
The ordination was celebrated at our parish of St. Philip Benizi in Belle Glade, Fla., where Fr. Manny has spent several summers working in the summer camp program. That was disadvantageous in terms of a heavy SDB presence, because of the distance, but it facilitated the presence of his family, who live in Miami (which is where Manny grew up and went to LaSalle HS in the days when the SDBs administered it)--and of course the presence of St. Philip's parishioners, whom Manny has served so diligently each summer for these several years, including as a deacon this summer.
Even so, there was a pretty good SDB presence there, and some FMAs too. I wasn't able to go, but I sent my camera along with Bro. Tom Dion, who came back with more than 100 shots, some of which are posted here.

As you may have read in the preceding post, the province lost a priest on Sunday morning, aged 98. But we'd just gained one who's 30.
As you may have read in the preceding post, the province lost a priest on Sunday morning, aged 98. But we'd just gained one who's 30.
At right: After the ordaining bishop has imposed hands on the man being ordained, each priest present (Fr. Tom Dunne here) does likewise, as a sacramental sign of the one priesthood (of Jesus Christ) to which all of them belong.
The bad news is that Fr. Manny is our 1st new priest in 4 years, since Fr. Abe Feliciano was ordained in 2006.
The good news is that we have 2 deacons presently, starting their 4th year of theological studies, and 2 other men studying theology. Behind them in the formation "pipeline" are 2 young SDBs in their years of practical training, including a coadjutor brother. At his blog today, Fr. Steve Leake, director of the house of formation in Orange, writes:
We are beginning a new school year here at Don Bosco Residence. We have 24 men in formation here this year! We have a full house! Please pray that the Holy Spirit will lead us to have a blessed school year. I am excited to see God work in our young men!
We are beginning a new school year here at Don Bosco Residence. We have 24 men in formation here this year! We have a full house! Please pray that the Holy Spirit will lead us to have a blessed school year. I am excited to see God work in our young men!
Those include 2 students of theology, 6 other professed SDBs (1 of whom is from the Western Province), 5 pre-novices, and 11 candidates in the earliest stage of their discernment of SDB life.
And, as noted further down the list of old blogs, we have 5 novices (including 1 from the Western Province) in Port Chester.
Fr. Manny does know how to have fun. Here he is on Memorial Day 2006 at the provincial house.
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