Artemides Zatti Will Be Canonized on October 9
By Fr. Pierluigi
Cameroni SDB, postulator general
(ANS – Vatican City
– August 27, 2022) – On the occasion of the ordinary public consistory held
in St. Peter’s Basilica on Saturday, August 27, for the canonization of blesseds:
- Giovanni Battista
Scalabrini, bishop of Piacenza, founder of the Congregation of the
Missionaries of St. Charles and the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of
St. Charles Borromeo;
- Artemides Zatti, professed layman
of the Salesian Society of St. John Bosco (Salesians).
The Holy Father has
decided that the rite of canonization of the two blesseds will be celebrated on
Sunday, October 9, 2022.
Artemides Zatti was
born in Boretto (Reggio Emilia), Italy, on October 12, 1880. Early in life he
experienced the harshness of sacrifice, so much so that at the age of nine he
was already earning his living as a laborer. Forced by poverty, in early 1897 the
Zatti family emigrated to Argentina and settled in Bahia Blanca. Artemides was
then 17 years old.
Young Artemides
immediately started working, first in a hotel and then in a brick factory. He
started attending the parish run by the Salesians. The parish priest at that
time was Fr. Carlo Cavalli, a pious man of extraordinary goodness. Artemides
found in him his spiritual director, and the pastor found in Artemides an
excellent collaborator. It did not take long for him to turn toward Salesian
life. When he was 20 years old, he left for the aspirantate in Bernal. Those
were very hard years for Artemides, who was older than his companions but
behind them in terms of the few studies he had done. He overcame all the
difficulties, however, thanks to his tenacious will, keen intelligence, and
solid piety.
While taking care
of a young priest hit by tuberculosis, unfortunately he contracted the disease.
The paternal concern of Fr. Cavalli – who followed him from afar – meant that
the Salesian house of Viedma was chosen for him, where there was a more
suitable climate and above all a missionary hospital with a good Salesian nurse
who in practice acted as a “doctor”: Fr. Evasio Garrone. The latter
immediately realized the serious state of the young man’s health and at the
same time sensed his uncommon virtues. He invited Artemides to pray to Mary
Help of Christians to obtain healing, but also suggested making a promise: “If she
heals you, you will dedicate your whole life to these sick people.” Artemides
willingly made this promise and was mysteriously healed. He accepted with
humility and docility the great suffering of renouncing his desire for
priesthood (because of the illness he had contracted). Neither then nor later
did he lament this unattained goal of his life.
He made his first
profession as a lay brother on January 11, 1908, and his perpetual profession
on February 18, 1911. In keeping with the promise he made to our Lady, he
immediately and totally consecrated himself to the hospital, initially taking
charge of the adjoining pharmacy after obtaining the title of “qualified in
pharmacy.” When Fr. Garrone died in 1913, all responsibility for the hospital
fell on his shoulders. In fact, he became its vice director, administrator, and
an expert nurse esteemed by all the sick and by the doctors themselves, who
gradually gave him more and more freedom of action. Throughout his life, the
hospital was the place where he exercised his virtue, day after day, to a
heroic degree.

His service was not
limited to the hospital but extended to the whole city, or rather to the two
towns on the opposite banks of the Negro River: Viedma and Patagones. He
usually went out with his white coat and with his bag containing the most
common medicines; with one hand on the handlebar and the other with the rosary.
He preferred poor families but was also called upon by the rich. In case of
need, he moved at all hours of the day and night, whatever the weather was. He
did not stay in the city center but also went to the hovels of the suburbs. He
did everything for free, and if he received anything, he gave it to the
Artemides Zatti
loved his sick in a truly moving way, as he saw Jesus himself in them. He was
always obsequious toward the doctors and hospital owners. But the situation was
not always easy, both because of the character of some of them and because of
the disagreements that could arise between the legal managers and him. But he
was able to win them over, and with his harmonious balance he managed to
resolve even the most delicate situations. Only a profound self-mastery could
make it possible for him to triumph over the hassle and the easy irregularities
of the timetable.

He was an edifying
witness of fidelity to the community life. It amazed everyone how this holy
religious, so busy with his many commitments at the hospital, could at the same
time be the exemplary representative of regularity. It was he who rang the
bell, it was he who preceded all the other brothers in community appointments.
Faithful to the Salesian spirit and to the motto “work and temperance”
bequeathed by Don Bosco to his sons, he carried out his prodigious activity
with habitual readiness of spirit, with a spirit of sacrifice especially during
night duty, with absolute detachment from any personal satisfaction, never
taking holidays or rest. As a good Salesian, he knew how to make cheerfulness a
component of his holiness. He always appeared cheerfully smiling: this is how
all the photos that have reached us portray him. He was a man of easy human
relations, with a visible charge of sympathy, always happy to entertain humble
people. But he was above all a man of God. He radiated it. One of the hospital
doctors said, “When I saw Bro. Zatti, my disbelief wavered.” And another: “I
have believed in God ever since I met Bro. Zatti.”
In 1950, he fell
from a ladder, and it was at this accident that the symptoms of cancer
manifested themselves, which he lucidly diagnosed. He continued with his
mission for another year, however, until after heroically accepting his
sufferings, he passed away on March 15, 1951, in full consciousness, surrounded
by the affection and gratitude of a population that from then on began to
invoke him as an intercessor with God. All the inhabitants of Viedma and
Patagones flocked to his funeral in an unprecedented procession.
The fame of his
holiness spread quickly, and his tomb began to be much venerated. Even today,
when people go to the cemetery for funerals, they always visit the tomb of Artemides
Zatti. Beatified by St. John Paul II on April 14, 2002, Blessed Artemides Zatti
was the first non-martyr Salesian coadjutor to be raised to the honors of the
A short life of Saint Artemides by Fr. Peter Lappin is available from Salesiana Publishers: or 914-633-8344.